Not being fine with supporting genocide isn’t the same as demanding perfection at all….
You and every other Rwandan genocide denier aren’t worth talking to. France funded Interahamwe with absolutely no opposition from the EU and no amount of you trying to deny that the Tutsi were killed will ever undo that. All Rwandan genocide deniers ought to be ashamed
They lack moral compasses in many other ways. There are only 14 people in the Congress who may nominally oppose this specific policy of political persecution
The funding and ideological support for genocide….
You are pretending these people oppose genocide….the whole point of this is motivated by some weird racial purity concept
Ah yes, because Russia has historically presented a major threat to Sweden and has been threatening to them.
What a stupid thing to say….
Supporting the existence of an ethno-state whose entire history is predicated on the removal of the native people through land stealing with this idea that they need living space (sound familiar?) sounds prey fascist to me. Israel’s whole existence places Palestinians below Israelis since it normalizes stealing land and houses of Palestinians for Israelis to take. Secondly, condemning Hamas is essentially condemning the right of the Palestinians to fight back against Israeli oppression which again places Israelis above Palestinians. To support humanity you would have to support the eradication of Israel and the return of land to the Palestinians whose land was stolen. AOC sounds like to me, someone who would take time to condemn the actions of Herschel Grynszpan following the Kristallnacht.
You don’t see as much calling them out as they are removing comments challenging the assertions made
Ah yes, the west, famous for caring about respect when colonizing the global south
I thought this was possible the funniest removed comment reason I have ever seen on that same community