[-] Disonantezko 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)
  • ChaiNNer: is very flexible and can do all of that. Node based.
  • Upscayl: do only upscales with less models, but has simpler UI, very fast in AMD GPU (because NCNN).

  • I haven't tried automatic1111 or ComfyUI yet.
  • All of them work offline withou limits and are more flexible than online alternatives.

GIMP has:

[-] Disonantezko 2 points 8 months ago

It's only a nice frontend to use command line tools that use many upscale models. To make easy for everyone one to use.

[-] Disonantezko 3 points 8 months ago

Someone already post that. Typst it's already a lot easier to use, with meaningful errors and markup near markdown and don't need 200x hard disk space, nor dependencies to work.

[-] Disonantezko 3 points 9 months ago

Last time I did check Cdromance, don't have links to download anymore, I like that place because has many roms with patched QoL romhacks. Maybe now you need to have an account.

[-] Disonantezko 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Beginning: Ubuntu.
Until today: Arch

Why? I found in Arch updated software that I was interested at that time, I liked the rolling distro, minimalism, AUR.

I'm happy with my TWM (DWM) and multiplexer (tmux).

I did install other distros in old hardware like Slitaz, Debían that needs 32 bit.

I'm interested right now in things like Alpine and Void, because small and functional in Termux or older hardware. And some distrobox (similar to proot-distro in Termux).

Now learning a little bit of Groff with markdown (pandoc) to create PDF, for a small and fast typesetting. I haven't found a way to convert markdown to pdf using MOM macros in Groff.

[-] Disonantezko 3 points 11 months ago
  • Cmus.
  • mpg123 4 internet radios.
  • FFplay | mpv.
  • zxtune.
  • Years ago: moc or deadbeef (because foobar2000).
[-] Disonantezko 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)
  • Hardware (GPU) encoders are worst than software encoders.
  • GPU Acceleration is good for faster encoding and free CPU to do other things. But you get bigger files at similar quality.
  • Maybe is useful for live streaming or if you really really need CPU do other things.
[-] Disonantezko 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's a lose adaptation of next Alucard/Belmont saga:

  • Rondo of Blood.
  • Symphony of the night.
  • Bloodlines (just some enemies like Countess Bathory and Drolza).
  • I did enjoy it, nice production, some poor writing some times, but not 100% nor 50‰, to me it's like 75% at least.
  • It's not like source (games) has awesome writing, just a motivation to kill enemy every game.
  • I really hope when finishing this adaptation, they follow with next and final Alucard arc in the future (our present).
[-] Disonantezko 3 points 1 year ago

Here comes the vampire arc! WATCHING

[-] Disonantezko 3 points 1 year ago
  • I did watch Goblin Slayer previous season, but just really enjoy the start. Dropped.

  • Shield Hero previous season start (1/3) was a mess, but later won me again. Watching

[-] Disonantezko 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
  • vis
    vim/nvim was bloated 4 my use case, but ví wasn't enough. I like minimal and suck less.
[-] Disonantezko 3 points 1 year ago

12 episodes (mal)

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