[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 8 points 9 hours ago

Qatar. We sell them to Qatar.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 15 points 2 days ago

So I got fired for threatening to report them for withholding employee checks. They had a bunch of 15-19 year olds closing one night, maybe five or six of us, and one of the ice cream freezers got turned off. Someone's honest mistake, a bunch of ice cream melted, sucked, but they said okay, we're just going to withhold all your paychecks, and I said fuck no you're not, and proceeded to threaten reporting. In the end, me and my coworkers all got our $27 paychecks, but I lost my job. I am by no means a hero, was just a little belligerent as a kid, and it felt like a good opportunity to really dial in the belligerence.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 19 points 2 days ago

Put a button for $1 and I'll hit it all day. And I know that ain't the person behind the register deciding, but if I get ice cream for my family and it costs 35 fucking dollars because that's how much fucking things cost these days, I'm not throwing you 15-25% in tip, let's be realistic. Put a $1, $2 option and I honestly think you'll have more luck.

Not to old man this shit, but I scooped ice cream at a restaurant/ice cream place for 5.25 back in 2004. You know how I earned tips? I played a game with customers, let me and the girl I'm working with guess questions about your life and we will give you a free size upgrade. People frequently played along, we had fun, fucked over the owners a bit (they sucked), it was really a win/win.

I was eventually fired.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 20 points 2 days ago

My issue is the automatic 15-20-25. I go to a deli, they make me four sandwiches, I want to throw you a couple bucks, not fucking 10.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 16 points 6 days ago

Yeah, it drives me nuts because that's obviously what it is. MTV went to shit when they introduced commercials. Anytime you're selling shit to the masses, God forbid you alienate a group of people because you said the word cunt.

I'll go one step further and say fuck PG-13 ratings. If you take an R concept and make it PG-13, I know it's going to be shit.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 52 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Yeah, I don't sit and block traffic because I'm too lazy to find another spot. "Do unto others," you know? I don't like being made to move faster because you just need this spot.

EDIT: And hold up, you'll move your car and load it? So you will leave your groceries just in a cart, go and move your car to some further spot, and load it there? How is that at all the right thing to do? Where are you moving your car to, an empty spot? Like, one the person who's sitting there waiting could've parked their car?

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 122 points 4 months ago

I have people follow me to my car at the grocery store when they notice I'm in a good spot (there are other, less desirable spots available, mind you). I take my sweet time loading my bags make sure nothing will tip over in transit. And during the time I'm loading, sometimes I decide I need something from the adjacent liquor store.

I've never understood why people sit and wait for spots when there's spots available. Drive around. If someone is pulling out, sure, but don't watch people load their shit up.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 46 points 6 months ago

I played hockey and was by no means good, but had a friend who was a good goalie, and said it was always tough with the less good players because you couldn't cheat them at all, because even they had no idea where the puck was going.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 42 points 6 months ago

There are government text messages and local websites and all sorts of ways of reaching people. Unfortunately, X probably reaches ten times as many people. I think a diversified approach makes sense.

That being said, us gov has sent the text messages and that seems to be the best way to do it. Everyone has a phone. And if you don't, then you like to live on the edge.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 53 points 6 months ago

I think the point is you can't put a search term into a search engine and get results from some random Discord. No body is going to go trawling through Discords to then use the search function to potentially find information from it. Now, if chats were somehow archived and could then be searchable, different story, but I don't think that's what people using Discord want from Discord.

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 75 points 7 months ago

This post feels like more than just the privacy aspect. Every day I read about some connected devices going brick because they are no longer supported. Shit, my Roku 4 went brick because they need me to buy a Roku HD, and I suckered up. What're you going to do when your doors won't open because some company decides they don't want to support them, or worse they go under? I am not IT, but why would I want to come home from a day of answering tickets and have to reprogram some proprietary hardware so I can make dinner?

[-] Dozzi92@lemmy.world 48 points 8 months ago

This is hilarious. God I miss how passive aggressive you could get with pictures with embedded links.


A technical disaster, but sure, I'll keep coming back. Can't wait to reminisce about the days when it was a technical disaster, though.

Also, posted from my PC, because doing anything on Jerboa has proven impossible.


Love to see it, and I want to see more of it. Anyone who did this absolutely deserves what they have coming to them.

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