[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 25 points 10 hours ago

Your bread is sweet. Like, all of it. And not just like, pleasantly so like a French brioche, but almost candy-like. Wonder Bread is one of the worst offenders, coming in at 5g added sugars per 100g: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Wonder-Bread-Classic-White-Sandwich-Bread-Sliced-White-Bread-20-oz/37858875?classType=REGULAR&athbdg=L1600

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 7 points 6 days ago

I really can't tell if you're serious or not.

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 69 points 3 weeks ago

There cannot be any medical reason for doing this, surely. Even more interesting that the medical profession hasn't changed guidelines by themselves by now.

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 8 points 1 month ago

I think that might be volcel? as in voluntary celibate?

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 13 points 1 month ago

In a sense it was, though:

"Tesla is legally obliged to compensate for cleared forests 1:1 with new plantings. The new plantings are mixed forests with a deciduous wood share of more than 60 percent, which is more ecologically valuable than the felled trees on the site. In addition, the new plantings lead to the conversion of species-poor landscapes into habitats for birds, insects and small mammals.

By December 2021, around 90 percent of the required initial afforestation had already been implemented, and the remaining areas will be completed in 2022. The growth is monitored and controlled by the forestry authority and only released after several years of growth and when specified criteria are met. These new plantings will take place at various selected locations in the state of Brandenburg.

In addition, Tesla has announced that it will voluntarily replant areas that will be significantly larger in total than the planned factory site. In order to achieve the best possible result, Tesla says it is working closely with environmental and other expert groups.

Extensive avoidance and replacement measures were carried out to protect possible habitats for reptiles. Among other things, potential habitats were protected by fences. In addition, additional fences were erected to prevent further immigration of reptiles into the project area. Over the summer of 2020, sand lizards, grass snakes and forest ants were professionally relocated to the remaining area that had been applied for clearing.

The following replacement measures were carried out, among others:

  • Two areas (a total of around 10 hectares) were created for sand lizards and grass snakes by clearing and building habitat structures in the immediate vicinity.
  • 21 forest ant nests were protected and successfully relocated to suitable locations in the immediate vicinity.
  • Replacement habitats for protected bird and bat species have been created in the immediate vicinity to ensure that the ecological function of resting and breeding sites is maintained in the spatial context.
  • In the immediate vicinity of the site, Tesla has installed a total of 702 boxes as compensation (including 368 bat boxes, 329 nesting boxes and 5 nesting baskets)."

Google translated from Land Brandenburg.

... and that's not all, apparently.

Still don't like neither Tesla nor Elon, but in this particular instance it seems the Guardian lied by omission.

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 11 points 1 month ago

I actually meant to start a thread one of these days if we can't ban it! Glad you started the conversation!

My main concern is that by attributing a tactfulness and political rating to them, we're attaching weight to that. But who does these ratings? Especially when a pop/mainstream mag like the Rolling Stone is classified as "left" the same that explicitly politically left publications like Jacobin are also "left". That just strikes me as odd.

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 28 points 2 months ago

that's gotta be satire

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 52 points 2 months ago

To be fair, I've written countless stack overflow posts detailing my problems in hope someone would be able to spot the mistake or error only for me to realize what it was along the way and never even submitting it.

And I didn't even need a 🦆 for it

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 13 points 2 months ago

it actually is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neonaticide?wprov=sfla1 has a bit to say on it, but doesn't go too much into the root causes. The majority of cases as far as I understand it stem from the mother not wanting to accept that she is pregnant. This is a delusion, mind you, and if untreated, can have dire consequences as shown here. To mothers who are not adequately prepared for birth (because they, for whatever reason, have repressed their pregnancy), giving birth must be about as traumatizing as if I were to wake up tomorrow with a third leg (that wants to be fed).

The German-language coverage of this is also very hit and miss. most outlets, like here, put an emphasis on here being a Porsche lawyer, which is a) bending the truth somewhat for shock value (she's a contract counsel for their financing subsidiary iirc) and b) completely irrelevant, as other outlets point out that this pathological behavior does not know class boundaries.

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 13 points 2 months ago

ne, hat der Typ wohl einfach persönlich hier eingeworfen. Einfach so. Anders kann ich mir das nicht erklären. Komplett weißer Umschlag, keine Marke, keine Adressen.

submitted 2 months ago by DrFuggles@feddit.org to c/600euro@feddit.de

Neulich im Briefkasten gefunden. Weißer Briefumschlag.

Recherche ergibt: ein geistig verwirrter Mann treibt seit zehn Jahren sein Unwesen an Hoch- und Oberrhein https://archive.is/6yEpK

submitted 2 months ago by DrFuggles@feddit.org to c/600euro@feddit.org

Nichtsahnend kaufen die Freundin und ich im lokalen Gutmenschenmarkt ein und dabei eben auch Reinigungsmittel der Firma Sonett, weil das klingt erstens so nett und zweitens soll das besonders umweltfreundlich sein und das ist ja ganz in unserem Sinne.

Auf der Zutatenliste taucht das nn "verwirbeltes Wasser" auf und mir schwant Übles. Serviceorientiert lüftet Sonett das Geheimnis gleich selbst: https://www.sonett.eu/qualitaet/wasser/ - das Wasser wirbelt spagyrisch um Lebensenergiekristalle entfaltet dadurch sein optimales Energiepotential. Das kann man zwar nicht nachweisen, aber die Cluster sagen das.

Habt ihr nicht verstanden? JA; DA GIBT'S JA AUCH NIXY ZU VERSTEHEN"! WAS SOLL DIE SCHEI?E DENN!? Ich will doch einfach nur Gutes tun mit meinem Geld und hab jetzt die Gehirnwäschemafia unterstützt maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

Mehr Infos zu Wasserschwachsinn übrigens bei den Science Cops: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=science+cops+wasser

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 12 points 3 months ago

hä? asoziales Verhalten ist asozial. Wenn ich mich im Suff (oder auch nüchtern) daneben benehme, muss ich mir Sprüche anhören. Wenn sich jemand bekanntes daneben benimmt, kriegt der halt mehr Kommentare als ich.

[-] DrFuggles@feddit.org 12 points 3 months ago

This is patently untrue. Nobody work all the time without going to sleep at some point.

If you're a billionaire, you can just coast along VERY comfortably on dividends and stocks.

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