Yup There's going to be a whole lot more almost people too. Because there's no no refilling program in the USA. What are you supposed to do if you have a Masters in computer science and 5 years of experience? You can't just go back to college for a 60K degree in nursing or become an electrician or something....
Every now and then they regurgitate truths to get the broader audience to tap in. Then they say some bullshit like the 2nd half about doing a side hustle moonlighting and saving costs.
Yes, I've used both on Windows 11. Unfortunately, does nothing for the User Interface size. But that's exactly what I had to do to get the original games to run before this shameless flip.
You know they must have been laughing when they picked that guy up
I get what you're saying, but who do you think they're going to look up to now? It's like Batman where penguin is the big head honcho, and now all the slimy underlings start to look up to him because he gets away with so much, and now everyone else wants to do the same thing because they think there's no consequences except that we have no Batman
Lol this same person once told me that he doesn't support LGBT or Black lives matter or any of that because he doesn't agree with those communities and thinks that they are hateful
Not sure about moist
What do you mean by moist? 🤔
he shouldn’t have to be an outright prick
I think he has no idea of self-perception. It seems like he is completely oblivious to it.
You really can't figure the meaning of this out on your own?
There's OSRS still, for the moment "uncorrupted", but it's basically starting fresh even when your account existed when OSRS was Runescape
Unfortunately you're a little bit behind on the times. They basically gave up on fighting bots because they know that they pay a subscription and there's no point in getting rid of them if they are a recurring source of revenue, so they quietly stopped fighting back against them and claim that it's not possible to solve the problem when they know exactly what they can do to solve it. Endgame is basically non-existent, it's literally just grinding the same exact bosses infinitely to fill out collection log or get a specific pet. That's the entire end game. They have done nothing to actually make the game more enjoyable and that's kind of a problem for people because if you've already maxed wood cutting and fishing, what's the incentive of doing it again on another account?
The fact that it hasn't been banned outright in the EU is cowardice. This is such a horrible timeline we are living in. How in the world did the biggest governments in the entire world and legal systems just get cucked to the point where a literal hate platform ran by a Nazi sympathizer throwing sig heils all over the place is even allowed in Europe?