Right? Next they’ll try and tell us there’s such a thing as taxation that actually gets used for the fulfillment and betterment of the masses, or that Norway is real
(!) they might even have a marriage scene and a special ring that changes your character stance to that of the opposite sex.
Oh, wait…
Jade chan Grandpa “One more thing”
So it’s Walter Masterson.
Got it.
Looks like clothes are in front of him in the stall to me
Easy, just die near your cat(s) and the same day they’ll chomp.
A dog waits a little while, iirc. They lick your face, then nip, and if you don’t respond eventually chomp too.
Pizza party pizzazz
Someone latched onto the phrase ‘hotel-masturbating’ and things turned into ‘how to bring a hotel (building) to climax.
No subscription? Literally everything in that game is behind some kind of paywall, even transportation.
It’s the American military, they’ll give you some ibuprofen
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