Jew here too, Netanyahu is a corrupt fascist cunt.
Thanks! As said you don't really need crystal, it's just a nice to have. It's nice for Cox/ToA but for learning ToB you're better off with elite Void. I know the feeling of camping wolf prison all too well (~1500kc).
Maybe switch it up? I was averaging 25kc cg a day but some days I'd just do 5 instead, you'll get it for sure, no rush :) Could even run normal CG if you feel burnt since it's just a lot more chill. GL!
Very nice, I feel the grind too! 4 slayer levels to go now at 95 and I'm done maxing. I'll be hitting ToB/Hardmode ToB religiously after to build up the bank. No boss tasks, I'm just sending duradel for all the cannon/burst tasks I can. Best of luck!
I bet, UIM seems like very rewarding but also a lot of prep/theorycrafting. GL :)
You are correct, although zram uses more cpu power since it compresses things. It's not really an issue if you're not using a potato :=)
Agree, but I think the X230 is slightly better as it runs cooler, has a better iGPU, has USB 3 and you can classic keyboard swap anyways :)
I snagged one in decent condition for £60 recently and plan to mod it up when I can, namely:
- Quad core/i7-3612QE mod
- 16G RAM DDR3L/2133Mhz
- AVC Fan (quieter/cooler)
- X220 Keyboard mod with X220 Palmrest
- 720p IPS Screen (can do 1080p but that requires soldering)
- Libreboot/me_cleaner (already ivyra1ned it).
- A new 9 cell battery from Greencell.
- Intel AC/AX wifi
- A nice 1TB ssd!
You don't need a DE, and Sway is pretty light and snappy.
History repeats itself... Except now we have climate change and nukes.
Pretty much, there's no point of risking switching to a Jagex Account right now for FOMO if the Jagex Launcher stops working with WINE etc.
If it works for Mac, it should be fairly easily cross-platformed. Also speaking as someone who runs OpenBSD on their lappy to play RuneLite sometimes, I guess I'm doubly fucked too :P