[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 14 points 1 month ago

A turret toss does seem like it would be effective as reactive armor. Is this how tanks evolve to survive drone predation? Main turret autotomy to give the smaller turret buds a chance to flee?

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 20 points 2 months ago

[The AI]’s going to fall in love with you

Fortunately for everyone, they went out of business before a mandatory reporter had to make the weirdest call ever to CPS.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 15 points 2 months ago

You're forgetting mass shooters, i.e., the people who don't care if they're identified or if they're getting a good price. Safe to say they're not worried about their credit rating if the plan is to take on a SWAT team in 20 minutes.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 12 points 2 months ago

Oh, hey, I've run into this in the wild--the Kalendar AI people keep ineptly trying to start a conversation to sell some kind of kiosk software by referencing factoids they scraped from our latest press release. They've clearly spent more effort on evading spam filters and rotating domains than they have on anything else, but they helpfully use "human" names ending in "Kai," so creating a wildcard filter wasn't too hard.

Credit where it's due: I'd never heard of Kalendar or the software company who hired them, but this experience has told me everything I need to know about both of them. If you don't sweat the details and rate sentiment change using absolute value, that's kind of impressive.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 12 points 2 months ago

Addressing the “in hell” response that made headlines at Sundance, Rohrer said the statement came after 85 back-and-forth exchanges in which Angel and the AI discussed long hours working in the “treatment center,” working with “mostly addicts.”

We know 85 is the upper bound, but I wonder what Rohrer would consider the minimum number of "exchanges" acceptable for telling someone their loved one is in hell? Like, is 20 in "Hey, not cool" territory, but it's all good once you get to 50? 40?

Rohrer says that when Angel asked if Cameroun was working or haunting the treatment center in heaven, the AI responded, “Nope, in hell.”

“They had already fully established that he wasn't in heaven,” Rohrer said.

Always a good sign when your best defense of the horrible thing your chatbot says is that it's in context.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 15 points 3 months ago

"We're all in grave danger! What? Well no, we can't give specifics unless we risk not getting paid. Signed, Anonymous"

I mean, I wasn't exactly expecting the Einstein-Szilard letter 2.0 when I clicked that link, but this is pathetic.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 15 points 3 months ago

If I was them (and in a way I am) I’d probably kill the witnesses and bail.

So I totally get this conclusion, but I think it's worth slowing down and considering whether this makes as much sense as it seems at first glance. The fact that magic exists means that simply killing someone simply doesn't do much to shut them up, if a sufficiently powerful entity is willing to spend the resources. The fact that undeath exists means that killing someone has a very real risk of making them a bigger threat than they were in life--it's not like you can just stab a ghost. Cultists, being familiar with eldritch powers themselves, know this full well. This means that keeping people merely out of communication might be the simplest way to achieve their actual goal with the minimum of fuss. They don't need someone quiet forever, they just need enough secrecy to achieve their goals. Murdering every person who takes an interest in them is mission creep.

Also, keep in mind cults generally exist for specific purposes, and people join them for specific purposes. These purposes aren't necessarily overtly evil at the rank-and-file level, which is integral to their recruitment. The turnip farmer who wants to resurrect a dead harvest god to grow more turnips might be okay with some dodgy rituals the church wouldn't approve of, but straight up committing multiple murder might take some working up to, if he can be talked into it at all.

So in short, consider what your cult wants, and assume a degree of rationality and thoughtfulness (at least, when they're not channeling horrors from another plane). What do they want, and how the party could provide what they want?

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 18 points 3 months ago

All I really know is shoot bug and if you aren’t getting friendly fired to hell and back you’re playing wrong

You've pretty much got it down, though you also shoot terminators.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 4 months ago

FWIW, the shield backpack and either AMR or Quasar/EAT have served me well against bots, but I typically run light armor. I bring the grenade pistol to handle factories.

If you aren't already using it, there's never been a better time to get into the AMR now that they buffed the damage and finally zeroed in the scope.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 12 points 5 months ago

B.S., a former partner at Andreesen-Horowitz

Lmao, of course.

and former chief technology officer of Coinbase

I.e., the company that survived by shedding a ton of employees, like 40% of headcount or something. I do not see this tactic working well when they're trying to win friends and influence cops by hiring their failsons into sinecure positions.

What makes all this funnier is that it's trying to thread the needle of embracing fascism while simultaneously seething with contempt for 99.999% of the people in the movement.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 20 points 5 months ago

I'd really like that. Enriching posts with this kind of metadata is what sets this apart from just a Google Image search, IMO.

Like you said, it's important context, and it's really helpful to have when I want to learn more about an artist or image. I'm way more likely to revisit something if I have more than just a title or author to go on, especially since traditional art isn't guaranteed to be online or easily researchable.

[-] FermiEstimate@lemmy.dbzer0.com 17 points 5 months ago

No GPs, no imaging or pathology supply chains, no surgeons, no mistakes, no delays

Now I'm imagining this guy trying to plug an ethernet cable into an MRI's helium line.

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