[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 80 points 1 month ago

Now they are both lifeless husks strung up in the office of an investment firm that is collecting their decomposition juices in a rusty bucket.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 80 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I love how certain consumers seems to have trained away their gag reflex.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 101 points 3 months ago

We are back to the arcade era where you had to put in more coins to get lives and the games are intensionally hard and unfair to get more coins.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 90 points 4 months ago

What gets me about these AI bros is that they could use photoshop to fix the minor flaws like Trumps hand having the wrong color under it (apparently white hand on black skin fucks up the algorithm) but they never do.

They are such talentless hacks that even the most trivial work a real photographer do is insurmountable to them.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 103 points 5 months ago

Fuck it. Some more rambles because the house elves drive me insane.

The correct response to a slave race that wants to be subjugated is to refuse. You can see in the books that the existance of slave races has made the Wizards worse people and it makes them used to treating other races, that are free and sentient, as slaves. Tons of sentient races we meet in the story are either service staff or set dressing for wizards amusement.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 76 points 5 months ago

This is a minor problem compared to the fucking forced ketamin injections but can we please use more words to describe these types of issues. Like, specific ones. "Behavioral issues and intellectual disabilities" has also been used to describe the kid that almost beat a teacher to death for saying he shouldn't have his Nintendo in school and the flying guy that tried to kill the judge. If there is no difference between how we describe them and this kid, we are just reinventing calling people retarded in increasingly elaborate ways.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 85 points 6 months ago

Am I correct in saying that the law is a transparency law and not a moderation law?

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 90 points 6 months ago

An important piece of context here is that Sweden basically closed all it's garbage dumps as they are traditionally known. Anything recyclable is taken to the recycling plant, anything compostable is taken to a compost and the rest is burned as fuel.

The result is that you can't just drive to the dump with your waste and you have to actually sort and manage your own waste. Or you pay these fucking knuckle draggers to take the garbage and just throw it into the woods. Lots of companies are always on the look out for weird sub contractors to do environmental crime for them and think pink just got a bit too successful.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 101 points 8 months ago

At some point I feel it is just easier to go to the library. You need to return the books but they are also not random books the sender didn't want.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 107 points 9 months ago

Reddit is getting into money laundering I see.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 98 points 9 months ago

So basically he is any eight year old with emerald money.

[-] Fisk400@feddit.nu 97 points 10 months ago

If you are ever sentenced to something simply refuse. They can't sentence you without your consent.

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