I'm shocked about Katie Porter. Why would she not vote?
Yes he did. He will outlaw testing this time around and they make sure his cdc and health cezar doesn't report the deaths.
I think it a false flag and wife wanted husband dead and found this was the best way.
Dude show up only minutes before he walked out. He didn't wait long and was saw talking on the phone before hand. Money says someone knew Ceo was walking out and when and alerted the killer. Could have been the wife making the call. CEO was also pretty calm and brave walking out when just the night before his wife had gotten a bomb threat the night before at 7pm.
Dont think they will catch hiim, and if they do won't be alive. Bet they have kill on site as their orders.
I mean we are only now hearing about all these suppose threats he had gotten from her. My brother wonders how guy knew exactly where he was going to be. Wife most definitely could have been in on the hit.
Maybe you but I am serious when I say we should start guillotining billionaires.
Hope gun man gets away. Fuck the first article I read of how great he was and how touch the lives of so many. Just forgot to mention it was touching them by allowing people to die and suffer. I am with you fucking billionaires and rich CEO should be scared and shitting their pants.
No your wrong go to your local Goodwill to see it in practice. They don't supervise them any more rhan someone at a normal job. But they hire a ton of disabled people.
Oklahoma only has back plates but not for each county and no inspections but that is a bad thing not good. Allows shitty cars to remain on the road.
Works for someone born in 1980 like myself. Easy to track when born at the beginning of a decade.
Wonder if this simple trick can be used to lower prices at the grocery store? Just saying.