I almost posted that here yesterday and wasn't sure if it was the right vibe. Apparently it is hahahaha.
No worries mate. Normally Tidal links open a page that will let you pick what streaming service you use. The latest Lemmy update broke the auto fill information feature for those links so I've switched to sharing Tidal only links for now.
In the future I'd like to set up a bot that replies with a free link to listen no matter what service gets posted but that's probably a long way off.
Jolteon, Machamp, and Ditto are the only other 3♦️ pokemon I need that aren't on your list too.
I also have an extra Articuno if you happen to have more than one of those three.
I have extra ♦️♦️♦️ Charizards. Do you have a Lapras you would trade?
Goats have some fucking crazy eyes
I can't stop listening to this song send help
Hard to go wrong with Intervals!
That was posted about 20 mins before this mate lololol
It takes too much energy to keep up with such pointless things IMO.