I don’t game enough on my Mac to make full use of this, but if I can play all the Lego games without having to use Dolphin then I will definitely change that. Mac gaming needs to be simpler for devs, and this seems to help with that goal.

All of them. Intros set a mood, and that’s a really important part of consuming any piece of content for me.

I feel the same way. I’m a fan of what Woodford is doing and their stuff is super clean. A friend of mine is a huge bourbon fan so he’s been a good resource. Good luck to you on your journey!

At this rate, I have a hunch that the WH might change the regulation to be for NACS. Two of the big three American makes switching by 2025 changes the charging landscape big time.

Agreed. I was completely in on an Equinox or Blazer because we have a good relationship with our local Chevy dealer, then completely out because of no CarPlay, and now on the fence because of them adopting NACS. Snip snap snip snap snip snap.

If we’re counting dark comedy (which I do), it’s probably Parasite or Another Round. Of the more conventional types, it’s likely Monty Python and the Holy Grail or His Girl Friday.

Welcome! As a fellow wannabe bourbon enthusiast who has now discovered that rye and scotch are my real preference, what’s been some of your favorite bottles?

And if there is no federation, then what is the benefit of using ActivityPub? That’s my biggest question by far.

Using ActivityPub is an interesting twist I did not see coming. I could see myself trying this, despite my problems with Meta, especially because running social media for a church means I can’t really give up Facebook or Instagram and because people I know might actually sign up for it.

Not on Mastodon at the moment, but with the way Twitter has been heading it might be worth looking into, especially because getting on Lemmy helped me understand the Fediverse better.

The Grand Canyon. Despite it being clichéd, the thing looks so incredible that it doesn’t even look real. I was like a kid in a candy store the first time I walked up to it.

It can be, but the senior pastor I work for is into organized labor, and my wife and I have found some pockets of people with some understanding or agreement. Even without those others, though, it’s been a good exercise to learn patience and self-control in the face of those who disagree or hate people with my views and to befriend and lead them without devaluing them.

Hello everyone. 26/m living in Peoria IL metro, working in a small evangelical church leading music and trying to not be outed as a leftist and an exvangelical. Interested in movies, Lego, urbanism, fantasy football, and craft beer with a new budding hobby of cocktails. Grew up in Champaign though, so by default I’m into college sports as well.

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