Durch die Bank alles ca. nur halb so viel wie andere Marken. Etwas ärgerlich, weil z.B. Rewe bei Bohnen oft nur diese Marke anbietet.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de to c/vegan@feddit.de

Wollte das selber mal nachrechnen. Alles nur so grob über den Daumen:

Quelle: https://naehrwertdaten.ch/de/downloads/

Name Protein (g/100g)
Sojamehl, entfettet 51.5
Bierhefe, getrocknet 47.9
Sojamehl, vollfett 40.8
Sojabohne, getrocknet 38.2
Kürbiskerne 35.6
Alge, Nori, getrocknet 31.5
Weizenkeime 29.2
Seitan 28
Linse, geschält, getrocknet 27
Sesamsamen, geschält 26.8
Erdnuss, geröstet, gesalzen 26.2
Erdnussbutter 26.1
Erdnuss 26.1
Mandel 25.6
Mandel, geröstet, gesalzen 25.6
Name Protein / Energie (g/kcal)
Sojamehl, entfettet 0.173986
Bäckerhefe, gepresst 0.173958
Champignon, roh 0.148
Seitan 0.145078
Champignon, gedünstet (ohne Zugabe von Fett und Salz) 0.144828
Sojasauce 0.144643
Steinpilz, roh 0.138462
Bierhefe, getrocknet 0.135311
Steinpilz, gedünstet (ohne Zugabe von Fett und Salz) 0.132609
Brunnenkresse, roh 0.129412
Alge, Nori, getrocknet 0.123529
Pilz (Durchschnitt), roh 0.12069
Champignon (Konserve) 0.115789
Pilz (Durchschnitt), gedünstet (ohne Zugabe von Fett und Salz) 0.114706
Endivie, roh 0.1125

Rein finanziell (und weil ich keine Ahnung hab wie man täglich Sojamehl zubereitet) ergeben Linsen wohl am meisten Sinn, allerdings sind Pilze sehr viel effizienter wenn man kcal sparen möchte. Bohnen sind eine Lüge von big bean.

Edit: Seitan ist mir durch den Filter gelaufen.

[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 66 points 9 months ago

It's fifty fifty. Either you win money, or you don't.

[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 185 points 9 months ago

Ah yes the Claytablorean Theorem

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de to c/lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world
[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 62 points 9 months ago

I love going to a fancy restaurant and just smelling the food.

[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 79 points 9 months ago

Girlfriend bad Bideo Bame good

ich🔪iel (feddit.de)
[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 102 points 9 months ago

Nice crop op

[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 97 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The beatings will continue until the latte art improves.

[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 174 points 9 months ago

Haha, funny way to say "working in the lead mines", comrade.

... (feddit.de)
ich🚶iel (feddit.de)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 87 points 10 months ago

I hate it when my roommate leaves the twink drawer open.

[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 165 points 10 months ago

A second mini muffin has hit my stomach.

[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 64 points 10 months ago

I know it's the wrong sub for this opinion, but that's a fucking annoying way to post.

[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 93 points 10 months ago

Splitting Helium doesn't release energy.


It's like in a music video when the artist suddenly pulls out the new Samsung explosive device, and your heart sinks a little.

Not only is it necessary for even decent movies to be packaged within some IP, they also seem to rely on selling ad space within the movie itself.

Very bleak.

submitted 10 months ago by GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
... (feddit.de)
[-] GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de 103 points 10 months ago

While it's commonly believed that Dan Crenshaw wears an eye patch because he lost one eye to an IED in Afghanistan, it's much more likely he uses it to adapt more easily to changing lighting conditions when going below deck.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

Konfiguriert doch einfach eure Tastatur richtig.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de to c/longsch@feddit.de
Wave Of Mutilation (www.youtube.com)
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