[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 56 points 1 month ago

Pretty sure this already happened to a trans guy once and you wouldn’t guess what they did…. They were mad about a man in the women’s room 🤦‍♀️

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 42 points 2 months ago

I’d be absolutely devastated to lose a stuffed animal when I was a kid. I’d be quite sad now even. I’m so glad they did this for him ❤️ I bet that kid’s whole world changed

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 44 points 2 months ago

Just use the lobby bathrooms at the hotel. If he loves you he’ll understand and be thankful.

Source: have done this myself

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 100 points 3 months ago

Lmaoooo I adore guys like this

Talked to a guy from tinder and I’m like “I’m trans” he goes “bottom?” and I’m like uh yeah… and he goes “k then what’s the difference” lmfao

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 58 points 4 months ago

I must be out of the loop, what?

Is he saying the clitoris… doesn’t exist??

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 169 points 4 months ago

I actually want them to pay his legal bills. I want the RNC to get grifted as hard as all the civilians who donated to him, and subsequently spend money they’re never going to see again. Best case scenario it leaves the RNC in a financially precarious position, ready for a quick and easy death.

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 58 points 4 months ago

Many dishwashers will clean all of that fine, in my experience. The annoying part is the cups or bowls that may fill with water, just make sure they’re upside down.

As far as scraping or rinsing things…. Nah. Haven’t done it since I worked in food service and saw what dishwashers could do. Some stuff needs scraped, sure, but most will come off under the detergent and hot water.

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 112 points 5 months ago

Neolibs might be crying but literally everyone else is laughing

…. Most of whom will still be voting for him. Extremely accurate criticisms aside.

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 163 points 5 months ago

Wonder how he’d feel about being told the same thing, but because of his skin color.

Some people are quite dense.


Hey all my boyfriend wants to do shrooms for his bday and I wanted to drop a question in here as I’ll be trip sitting. I have never done any psychedelic myself, i only smoke weed.

He’s done shrooms before and says he “usually starts with a little over 1.5g and then takes 3.5g an hour or so in”. He’ll be taking PE and maybe one GT — both of which I grew last year.

Personally 5g of PE in an hour sounds like a lot to me but I don’t have any evidence to back that up.

Anyone suggest starting lower?


Hey guys I’m running my first organic run with BuildASoil 3.0. As I understand it this mix is pretty much an “all in one” for the majority of the grow (I am assuming I need to, and plan on adding, a flower amendment and/or tea). The plant is currently in veg, from seed.

The soil is absolutely amazing and the plant loves it. Once 4+ nodes sprouted I started my classic stress training technique which is sort of a modification on main lining — that is to say, it’s high stress.

I’m wondering if anyone recommends amending the soil during veg, specifically with the plant recovering from stress training? I’ve noticed it’s been looking slightly less healthy, and blame the stress training as that usually knocks her down for a week or so. But ultimately I’m just wanting to make sure she has the best environment to grow in! 🥰

Can upload pics if necessary but I’m not so much looking for any “diagnoses”, but rather just some input from other organic growers who have been at it longer than I have!

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 124 points 10 months ago

Desatan is gonna be remembered as the guy whose presidential bid was destroyed by Mickey mouse lmao

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 49 points 11 months ago

They don't understand that I'd do just as little work in an office as I do from home. In fact, that's what I did, long before I worked from home. I'm really good at exploring hallways and bathrooms and just disappearing for some time.

I get more work done at home.

[-] GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world 55 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Personally I came over bc the app I used stopped working (boost). Lemmy seems to have the same content I used reddit for:

  • US politics headlines
  • Memes
  • Niche communities

I don't plan on going back to reddit unless it's via Boost. Fediverse is better anyway

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