I love how most of the world has turned against him.
It's really invigorating seeing this. This happens all over the western world! Nazi cunt Musk finally seeing the consequences of his actions. Insurance hiking on Tesla's, Tesla stock diving 50%, people vandalizing Tesla's, attacks and protests at Tesla dealerships.
Most of my country doesn't have trains. The only train on time goes to the airport, yes THE airport. Everything else is buss for train. And I purposely didn't mention the country but everyone from here knows it when they read buss for train.
It’s like asking if you think a calculator is smarter than you.
I was banned for harassment. I followed 6 accounts that posted tons of misinformation about elons nazi salute.
They’d defend him at all cost, call everyone else sheep, “Roman salute”, he’s autistic, you’re such a n idiot for hating on him. Posted still frame images of anyone with raised hands and claimed them to be identical to nazi boy Elon.
I got a notification every time they posted something to a sub I frequented. I would comment their recent post history and how their most extreme lies in defense of Elon.
Reddit said that was considered harassment. Not what those accounts did, but my action to their posts and comments. Spez is such a fucking spineless cunt.
These are the people who truly deserve this though. Not her, but her fucking dunce of a partner. Hopefully he realizes how hateful and nasty the Republican Party is. If not, he’s just another waste of resources.
I'd also throw Bayer into that list. Knowingly had HIV contaminated blood, considered the amount of money they'd lose by destroying it, so they supplied it to patients in Latin America and Asia. Bayer considered the investment they had in the contaminated product, decided NOT to destroy it, for profits sake, and infected thousands of people with it. They misrepresented the results to not lose money and killed thousands.
I know pharmaceutical companies is a giant mess, but Bayer is on par with Nestle for me.
I had a conversation with a friend who claimed the road and sign system we have in our country, has errors in it causing her brand new car to act weird.
By acting weird she meant, phantom breaking. Breaking when the car thinks the car driving the opposite direction is coming head on. Sudden and small jerks inside the lane. Not following the speed limit.
She thought and probably still thinks the road system and not the car, is at fault. It’s a Skoda fyi. These assistants ruin driving. I’m hesitant to catch a ride with her again.
I'm not american, nor do I have any intention of going there. But these people are so stupid I can't even comprehend it.
The people who regret voting for Trump can all form a conga line, and conga that line into the grand canyon. I have no empathy for them. They voted for a rapist, misogynist, quite possibly a pedo with his ties to Epstein, nepo-baby, demented sack of shit, who said he'd do all he has done. Society and the world would have been better if Thanos had snapped them.
Nah, the dude who bought a giant social network platform and posted a bunch of antisemitism, promoted antisemitism, let nazi organizations buy ads on the platform, banned users complaining about naziism on the platform, associated himself with nazis, promotes and encourages nazi parties in Europe, does nazi salutes in front of the entire world and defends it, would never do something like OP says. He isn’t a nazi 4 sure!…
It’s just a Roman bonfire my doods!
Sånn typisk "dra stigen opp etter deg" fakte. Staten har nok godt av effektivisering, men å bruke Elon som døme er absurd. Dessutan var vell det under Høgre si regjering at talet på statleg tilsette og byråkrati auka.