[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 2 points 19 hours ago

Maybe will do one day, but I matched the color of the faucet, handles etc. anthracite because I have a visible steel beam in front of the kitchen in anthracite that matches well

submitted 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) by Grogon@lemmy.world to c/homeimprovement@lemmy.world

I had to take down my old post. I got a few messages since then how it is now that it's "done".

I am not completly done, in winter I will install the backwall of the kitchen about 30-35 cm high against the wall with the same material my kitchen counter is. Or I will use tiles to spice it up, but haven't decided what colors would fit or if I will just stick with the kitchen counter as background.

I know it will get dirty, especially with the coffee machine near the wall but thats a winter project for me.

So here is the endresult with the open wood ceiling.

Edit: Oh and one shelf on top is missing that will be installed in 5 weeks though, will just fix the symmetry

[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Coool danke für den Tipp, werde ich mal am Wochenende ausprobieren!

Ja in der Beschreibung steht 0,5 cm, aber ich musste mehr Einhalten (wir haben eine Installationsebene hinterm Gipskarton, ca. 5 cm).

Also der Boden hat überall ca. 5,5 cm Luft. Innenwände haben keine Installationsebene - da ist der Abstand trotzdem 1.2 cm (eine Gipskartonbreite) Abstand und auf den liegen die Leisten.

[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 0 points 4 days ago

Die Lücken sollen so sein, also die wurden mit größerer Fuge bestellt und wurden eingeklippt

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by Grogon@lemmy.world to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

Ich habe einen Vinylboden von Coretec auf einer Dampfbremse verlegt und jetzt ist da eine Stelle, vermutlich nicht richtig eingeclipst, die lässt sich rein drücken...

Muss ich nun den gesamten Bodenbelag nacheinander rausnehmen und da wieder ordentlich rein klippen oder gibts da ein "Hack"?

Es ist nur eine Stelle zwischen zwei Dielen, aber mitten im Raum und erst nach einer Woche aufgefallen.

Hab mal eine Aufnahme hinzugefügt unten... man sieht es leider nicht so gut, aber es lässt sich leicht rein drücken und knackst etwas.


Hey I know this is obvious but I didn't think I'd ever look much different ever because from 20 to 25 I still looked the same. I was skinny, no fat and weirdly I looked unhealthy compared to now because I am a bit "rounder" now in my face.

I am only 31 years old so I guess I should do some sport but man people don't take how you look for granted and let yourself go. I am no where near overweight, healthy 76 kg at 176 cm but I am sure my bodyfat % might be a bit to high and it is crazy how much impact it has on ones face.


Honestly I feel completly burnt out. I love my job, it's actually a place where I can relax.

Currently building a house with my soon wife and we are doing so much on our own. Currently painting and laying the floor and in two weeks we are planning on moving in.

On top of that we have a "big" wedding on the 19th July (small with family) and 20th July (family and friends) at a different location and so much organising going on. Heck, I am talking about stuff I never thought we ever needed and needs to be done because I just take it for granted if I go to weddings but every detail is so much work. From name cards, where to seat family/ friends, drinks, speech organising, food, cakes,... the list goes on.

It was never planned that house construction and wedding will be in the same year but our company took forever to start the house (november 2023) and now we are in our final steps of the house (finally!) and I am so exhausted.

Today in one month I think I am going to feel very good. Wedding is over, we eventually live in the new house and I can focus on my hobbies again.

[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 27 points 2 weeks ago

Honestly earth.

Here is so much undiscovered that could help us understand space a lot better.

[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 26 points 3 weeks ago

I like how AI has all this knowledge out of nowhere without requiring input.

Great thing AI.


Id do it like this but two people told me other way... Not sure?


I don't have many examples, but to bring one or two up one was my scuba diving course in Thailand.

The dive instructor showed everything and we copied him in a pool. And everytime we had to do all the things I just looked bad.

Another example was climbing. They show how to tie the knot to harness, everyone successfully manages to tie the knot and I am standing their like an idi**.

The thing is what I observed is that if I have time to do things on my own and no pressure I seem to do "okay" and once I can do it I do it blind.

Anyone else experience this? What can I do? I am at a point I am afraid to learn new things because of failing infront of others.

submitted 1 month ago by Grogon@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Hey, I just got glass fiber internet.

When I connect my laptop with a Lan cable directly to the router I have very fast internet. If I connect my laptop to the RJ45 it seems like its slowed down. It's still fast, but not as fast as when directly connected to the router.

Any ideas how I can get faster speed through my RJ45's if I connect my laptop to the RJ45 port?

The problem is I can't install new ports everywhere in every room and my router is basically in a room where my laundry is. So I won't be gaming in there, but for now I am.... because of how fast it is lol.

Any ideas? No I won't use WiFi for gaming though lol.

submitted 2 months ago by Grogon@lemmy.world to c/dach@feddit.de

"Innenstadt ist leer, wir müssen was machen", so unser Bürgermeister vor knapp zwei Jahren und prompt gab es ein Bürgerdialog mit Austausch von Vereinen, Bürgern, Interessierten...

Knapp 1 1/2 Jahre später sind tatsächlich Läden eröffnet worden. Kik, Tedi und Action!

GEIL. Wer braucht eine Boulder/ Kletterhalle, die nächste ist ja nur 48 KM entfernt? Wer braucht schon ein Laden welches den täglichen Sportbedarf unserer Region abdeckt? Anstelle von Läden mit Schwerpunkt Outdoor und Sport, vor allem Sportarten die in unserer Region häufig ausgeübt werden, wurde uns ein weiterer Cáfe gegönnt. Selbstverständlich gibt es bereits vier Kaffeeläden direkt daneben.

Innenstädte sind nicht mehr wie vor 14 Jahren. Was verstehen die verantwortlichen daran nicht? Man kauft Videos, Spiele etc. überwiegend digital. Wir brauchen keine Erweiterung unseres Müller Markts mit Multimedia Abteilung.

Also unsere Innenstadt ist einfach nur tot und wird tot bleiben, die verstehen selbst mit Bürgerdialog nicht was benötigt wird und was nicht.

Im Bürgerdialog habe ich folgendes versucht zu erklären: Unsere Innenstadt ist "tot", deshalb gibt es aktuell viele Parkplätze. Seitdem Müller Markt usw. umgezogen sind ists da tot. Will heißen, wenn wir die Innenstadt beleben, beleben wir den Verkehr. Man muss erst ordentliche Radwege zur Innenstadt und ordentliche Parkplätze außerhalb schaffen, aber nicht zu weit, sodass die Leute trotzdem dann zu Fuß kommen (zur Not Shuttle Bus, weil Schwebebahn Sci-Fi ist)

Ich schreibe hier weil ich heute erfahren habe dass neben Kik und Tedi noch ein Ramschladen dazu kommen wird und es mich einfach nur noch nervt.
Warum gibt es dann überhaupt Bürgerdialoge und warum versucht man Innenstädte zu "beleben" wenn man nur an solche Läden vermietet, allgemein Menschen mit Ideen nicht unterstützt, z. B. Mieterlassung bis was erwirtschaftet wird.... Wir haben 8 leere Räumlichkeiten. Warum nicht umsonst "vermieten" und schauen ob es was wird und nach ca. 6 Monaten dann Miete verlangen je nach dem wieviel so ein Laden erwirtschaftet?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Grogon@lemmy.world to c/dach@feddit.de

Ich bin am Überlegen meine Sachen zu packen und in Deutschland woanders zu leben.

Bei mir im Landkreis passiert nichts. Ich trinke kein Alkohol und nahezu jede Veranstaltung ist mit Alkohol verbunden (Weinfeste, Kirchweih, irgendeine freiwillige Feuerwehr feiert wieder 150 jähriges, Bierfest, Weißbierfest, Bierwanderung, Schützenfest,...) um euch mal zu zeigen was hier geboten ist.

Also bei mir passiert hier nichts aufregendes. Ist es vielleicht normal oder liegt es einfach an Bayern?

Ich habe so das Gefühl dass mein Landkreis eine Art Sackgasse ist. Irgendwie ist es rum, die Leute ziehen weg und es passiert nichts.

Natürlich frag ich erst einmal hier ob es woanders auch nicht besser ist. Vielleicht ist es auch einfach Deutschland... aber ich glaube schon sehr dass es an der Kultur meiner Heimat liegt.


Jetzt wird mir auch noch ein Weinprobe am Wohnmobilstellplatz in Kitzingen vorgeschlagen.

So wirds nie was hier.

[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 29 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Zum Thema Lehrer:

Meine Frau ist Lehrerin und lässt alles mit sich machen, alle älteren Lehrer rebelieren langsam und zurecht. Wenn Lehrer Konferenzen, Sommerfeste etc. keine Arbeitszeit ist und der Unterricht außerhalb der Arbeitszeit vor- und nachbereitet werden muss ist es meiner Meinung nach - für den Lohn wohlbemerkt - ein Unding. Meine Frau wollte ihre Stunden von 20 Stunden auf 28 Stunden (Vollzeit) erhöhen, wurde von der Schulleitung zugestimmt, vom Schulamt aber abgelehnt und so haben die Kinder nun aktuell eine Stunde weniger Mathe, eine Stunde weniger Deutsch Unterricht. Kunst und Musik findet im Wechsel statt, d. h. eine Woche 2 Stunden Kunst, die nächste 2 Stunden Musik. Was ist das? Manche wollen mehr arbeiten, dürfen aber nicht.

Zum zum Thema Krankenpflege: Bei mir wurde der Antrag um eine Stundenerhöhung von aktuell 30 Stunden auf 40 Stunden abgelehnt, weil kein Bedarf besteht. Dann wird man dennoch weiterhin angerufen ob man denn einspringen könnte. Vor ca. einem Monat habe ich dann abgelehnt und gemeint: "Mein Antrag auf Stundenerhöhung wurde abgelehnt, da ihr genug Persona habt, ich kann leider nicht einspringen." Ich springe auch erst wieder ein wenn meine Stundenerhöhung angenommen wird.

Wir sind keine Einzelfälle wo Stundenerhöhungen abgelehnt werden. Natürlich ist es für den AG sinnvoller mehrere Teilzeitkräfte zu haben statt weniger Vollzeitkräfte. Aber tja die gibts halt nicht, dann gibt uns wenigstens mehr Stunden. Irgendwie klappt es schon und ein dummer springt ein.

Ganz ehrlich, eigentlich sind alle Menschen die sofort einspringen die schuldigen. Solange es Menschen gibt die unbezahlte Überstunden machen, ständig einspringen etc. wird sich auch nichts ändern. Einspringen gehört verboten.


Honestly, I'd rather go back to having adds pre video than youtubers who sneak in obvious ads.

I'm talking about these videos where they give you advice on a specific topic like 12 life lessons and the 7th life lesson is better sleep quality and suddenly they say this video is sponsored by XY pharmacy go get your Melatonin now and move on to the 8th life lesson.

Or how to make friends videos and suddenly they transition into a Magnesium add because better sleep = more friends.

It doesn't make the other arguements less valueable but I lose interest in those youtubers quite fast for that reason. I'm always like: "Oh no I know where this is heading too..." when I am listening to a video in my car and yep, I am most of the time correct - it's an ad.

I see they need money but if you have millions of subscribers I can't understand. Throw an ad before the video starts or something but make a video about the topic.

submitted 2 months ago by Grogon@lemmy.world to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

Wenn ich z. B. in der Stadt mal 5 KM fahren muss - kein Problem, sind 15 Minuten. Wenn ich aber wieder auf'm Land bin und 5 KM fahren muss bevorzuge ich immer ein Auto in die 5 KM entfernte Stadt.

Gehts euch auch so? Woran liegt das?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Grogon@lemmy.world to c/homeimprovement@lemmy.world

Okay, my first ever drywall and I know what I did wrong. I just didn't think that small indifference would make it look obviously bad.

But here it is, I will do it different on the rest of the walls but I'm just gonna leave it for what it is: me acting like someone who can do drywalls and wanted to save money lol

Didn't do the bottom part yet so I am def not done but holy moly...

How bad can someone mud? Me: Hm My wife: "Well atleast it's done. Not good, but done and we saved money for vacation"

What makes it even more hilarious is that in my mind I was sure if I use paint that has sand in it it's gonna cover that LOL. Fail....

[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 30 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I wrote below that I am also critical.

Interviewer: Does having a family make it impossible to climb without fear entering your mind?

Alex: "Time will tell. It’s maybe possible, but it might be a challenge. I think it's easier to free solo when you can tell yourself that your life doesn't matter that much. You’re kind of like, “Well, I'm just doing my thing, and it's my own choice.” And if you have any real acceptance that your life matters a lot to other people, then you are sort of like, “Well, you know, it's sort of my responsibility to not squander that.”

On the other hand, with a lot of the hard free soloing, the whole point is to make it feel safe and relatively comfortable. To basically prepare enough that it doesn't feel like you're rolling the dice.

Actually, last fall I did a big soloing traverse in Red Rock, near my home in Las Vegas. It was a 32-hour soloing traverse by myself, climbing up over all the major peaks in Red Rock. I think to the average viewer, they'd be like, “Holy shit, he’s still soloing at a really high level.” But the reality is that, for me personally, that just doesn't feel like extreme free soloing in the same way. It was kind of more akin to ultrarunning or like a giant endurance event or something. I was free soloing, but it’s a far cry from El Cap."

My thoughts: While he is skilled he isn't taking the natural environment in his equation. It might be a easypeasy climb like he mentions in the interview above. Sure, but the risk of Rockfall, high winds, adverse weather, unexpecited animals mid route, sudden noises etc. that scare you are still real. In Nevada where he climbs they have air force jets, if you get caught off guard during a climb things can get friggin' dangerous.

Yeah I understand this doesn't happen every day but once you have children I wouldn't want to risk a single solo climb. It's not required and he is climbing at a level he doesn't have to prove anyone anything. He is rich and already extremely good. At this point it's selfish and stupid. I don't know normally I really don't care but well I don't think free soloing should be glorified and he is a person that younger people look up to. He is a person younger people SHOULDN'T look up to. Climbing without a rope shouldn't look like they are better climbers than climbers with ropes. Especially because we have access to ropes, we have them for a reason.

Most climbs he solos are nothing and I'd say most of the climbs might go well but nature can screw him up. A fly lands on your nose and you get distracted - you die. Free solo equates with being totally alone on the rock, not being able to call anyone for help, and not being able to bail if things go wrong. You either go up, or you fall (and very probably, die). Another option might be climb back down, but.... dunno why would you climb down if you already know the route and are confident?

That's all it is. Nothing a man should risk once you have children.

[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 39 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I have two takes on this.

When I was an avid climber, the consensus was, "Those who free solo, die by free solo." So I think this isn't an unpopular opinion, given non-climbers got to think it's stupid. I think it's just we love to spectate on that risky adventure.

Personally I have never and won't in the future ever climb free solo but I joined people do it and my heart was racing like crazy. Imagine wittnessing a death. In my personal opinion it’s stupid. People do it because they think it makes them special. Having some type of safety measures wouldn’t effect the sport.

Does he still do free solos? If yes, he has children and a wife. That is the point where I have no respect for him or any other person. If you only got yourself and no family - fine. Do whatever. But if you have a family and people down there that love you - why should you continue to do that? You don't need to feel more alive. You already proved the world you can and it's okay. Instead he still goes up there without safety eventhough safety measures exist - for a reason.

If someone can climb what this dude can climb I wouldn't have less respect for what he achieved just because he has a rope attached to him. I personally couldn't care less. He can climb with a rope and if he falls start again until he finishes the climb without a drop and call it a day. Maybe his family members could then go in a Sauna during his climb instead of living in anxiety during his climb.

But well, I understand it. You feel alive blablabla. It's like playing hardcore in action role play games but well, those are just games and if you die fine start again. This brings me to my next critic: if you fall, someone is going to have to clean you up. Thats not fair. I'm glad no one I love solo free climbs or does any other extreme sport and if I knew someone who does it on a regular basis that I love I would try to love this person less so the loss in case an accident happens won't hurt as much.

Anyways great climber. In my eyes it's still pathetic because he doesn't need to prove he can do those climbs without a rope...


This video above is with Alex and Magnus and well what should I say... crazy.

[-] Grogon@lemmy.world 202 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It's interesting because people are people and it doesn't matter where you are born.

If you look at it from a birds eye view you will see a younger, smart generation trying to fight it's own governments.

It's not USA vs China vs Russia vs Europe etc. it is the younger generation vs the old generation. Currently each generation is fighting it's own government and slowly realising how poor they have done in the last decades.

Nobody wants war.

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