
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

Man kann von ihm halten was man will, aber der Typ hat mit 84 mehr Ambitionen als ich mit 32. Meine Ziele sind da ganz anders. Ein Ziel von vielen ist unter anderem endlich frische Kaffeebohnen ohne sauerei zu mahlen und mir ein Latte Machiatto zuzubereiten - und das jeden Morgen.

Und der will 20 weitere Jahre auf der Bühne stehen. Solche Ziele habe ich nicht.

submitted 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) by to c/


I thought giving inclined walking a try after I heard the hype about it and I am losing weight but it also could be just my change in foods since 2 months.

Either way, l have a feeling I ain't making progress. I started off at 15% incline, 30 minutes and kept my heartrate between 130 to 135. That was only possible at speed 3.5.

So starting: 30 minutes, 15% incline 3,5 speed.

Now after 7 weeks I am walking 60 minutes but didn't change the speed at all. The reason for not changing speed is that as soon as I increase from 3.5 to 3.7 (very slightly) my heartrate goes out of zone 2 into zone 3 (140-145).

Nothing seems to help this problem. 3.7 is basically my limit, no matter if I just start walking and slowly increase or didn't do pre workout. It's always 140 at that speed.

What can I do to progress instead of increasing time on the treadmil to 60 minutes? It's so time consuming and I'd rather just walk faster but a shorter time than longer but slower. My heartrate is limiting my pace though.

Today I gave it a new try. Two days rest and I didn't do my upper body workout just to check what happens. 15%, speed 3.5 -> after 5 minutes heartrate 128. After 10 minutes 135. After 15 minutes still 135 so I increase to 3.6. Now 139. Then to 3.7 and I am at 143.

I'm not even exhausted, I could do that easily one hour. But it's so time consuming. I need more miles in shorter time at my 130 heartrate instead.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Ja also ich lasse die Tilgungsrate so stehen und habe die Möglichkeit bis zu 5% pro Jahr zu tilgen. Aber habe es bisher noch nicht gemacht.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Also meine Frau studiert wieder und verdient nun nebenbei noch zusätzlich 1200 €.

Dann bin ich wohl das Problem, oder unser Hauskredit. Wobei wir da noch etwas Glück hatten mit den Zinsen (1.8%) aber trotzdem muss ich dafür 1400 € zahlen und dazu noch Nebenkosten.

Wir haben auch überlegt ob wir doch noch verkaufen...


Hallo, ich verdiene knapp 3650 € Brutto (35 Stunden/ Woche), bekomme aber als Dauernachtwache knapp 1000 € steuerfreie Zulagen. Lohn ist immer ca. 2300 - 2400 € Netto und dazu 1100 bis 1300 € Sonn/ Feier und Nachtzulagen.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago

Er ging von einer E Zigarette aus die ohne Drogen gestreckt war.

Weiß nicht ob seine Aussage dann passt, denn es war ja versehentlich. Bzw sein Kumpel hat ihn halt vergiftet

[–] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Ich persönlich kann mit Sonntagen gar nichts anfangen. Ich bin immer froh wenn ich an Sonntagen arbeiten muss (Schichtdienst) und Montag frei habe.

Für mich ist Sonntag ein verlorener Tag. Man kann nicht einkaufen, man kann fast nichts unternehmen weil alles überfüllt ist, irgendwie schleichen dann viel mehr Fahrer mit 60 km/h durch die Gegend... ich hasse Sonntage.

Wenn ich jetzt auswählen müsste entweder a) Sonntag und frei haben oder b) Montag und Frühschicht würde ich b nehmen, würde sogar eine Doppelschicht machen wäre mir auch egal. Hauptsache kein Sonntag.

Man kann an Sonntagen NICHTS machen. Null. Boulderhalle? Überfüllt. Thermen/ Saunen? Überfüllt. Wildparks? Überfüllt und überall Kinder. Selbst beim Zocken merkt man ob Ferien oder Sonntage sind. Mittlerweile nicht mehr so schlimm, weil sich fast keiner benehmen kann, aber man merkt es trotzdem.

In diesem Jahr klappts aber bisher relativ gut, bereits vier Sonntage gearbeitet. Im März wirds schwierig weil die Kollegen nun auch Sonntags arbeiten wollen, vermutlich wegen Zuschlägen.

[–] 30 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Die hätten ihn ja noch bis März blockieren können. Versteht ihr, bis März. MÄRZ.

Okay ich geh wieder.


So four weeks into the new year most regulars are at my gym and two of the 50 new people stayed.

Maybe someone is here who is one of the vanished people that I can "bait" back to the gym, atleast is my hope. So now real talk:

BRO, it's four weeks. FOUR WEEKS. You can't and I can't fix a trashy one decade lasting diet. You can't get from skinny to strong in four weeks. You can't get from obese to lean in four weeks. You didn't notice change after four weeks because your scale at home has the same high number?! YOU fail to understand that you are most likely GAINING MUSCLES and LOSING FAT at the same time so your job is to throw that scale away and take pictures of yourself every week.

Throw away all youtubers you know and just go to the gym and move things around. You don't need splits, routines, kcal counting, you need to get back to this gym and keep going.

I am not saying counting kcals, tracking protein intake, following a routine is bad. In fact all these things increase the time to reach goals if done correctly. But if you are exhausted and quit after four weeks cause counting kcal is exhausting, you hate every protein shake, you are following a routine you hate you will fail.

If you hate doing benchpresses find another exercise that is for your chest that you love. Who cares if benchpresses are better for chest if you won't do it the rest of your life while you love doing push ups but not doing them cause it's not in your routine.

Find one, only ONE exercise you like and stick to it. Forget about all those woobidoobi youtubers "Switch routine every 6 weeks" screw it. Do that forever if it makes you happy and makes you go to the gym regulary.

Don't scratch your whole nutrition and lifestyle just for a friggin' gym. In the end it took you (and me) a few years to get overweight or staying skinny. Forget people telling you to eat oat meal and bananas for breakfast if your bad diet was Pop tarts in the morning. You won't remove that habbit for longer than three months and eventually quit so keep eating it and go to the gym anyways. Worst case scenario is you won't gain weight but not lose weight. Not gaining weight is already a win (if obese). Worst case as a skinny dude is your not gaining muscles if not enough and being exhausted. Your body will tell you to eat if the scale isn't hint enough after a few weeks.

So get back. Don't quit. Most people in the gym are chill and honestly people quit and they don't even notice they achieved so much in four weeks.

One person started in January and told me last week he ain't seeing results. He showed me his routine and I told him: "Bro, you started Latpulldowns at 3x12 with 25 kg. You are ding 32,5 kg now..." 7,5 kgs more. He didn't see that as a positive result because his physic hasn't changed.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Habe Rossmann, Müller und DM App und interessanterweise sind die alle bei mir in der Umgebung. Kaufe also da wo es % gibt und dann auf Vorrat. Neulich bei Rossmann meinen Jahresbedarf an Proteinpulver gekauft (20% auf Sportnahrung und nochmal 10% Neukunde).

Ansonsten kaufe ich nur im Edeka und jetzt im neuen Aldi weil wir kein unverpackt Laden haben. Lidl Klientel unmöglich, viele Alkoholiker, allgemein ist der Laden ziemlich alt (alles gelb und unordentlich) da gehe ich nicht mal für Sonderangebote rein. Bin ein Genusseinkäufer und bei Edeka kann ich mein Genuss ausleben.

Der Besitzer des Edekas hat im Laden selbst ein Kaffee eröffnet mit einem professionellen Barista. Da werden die Bohnen frisch gemahlen und durch einen verdammt guten Siebträger gejagt und da gibt es den besten Latte Machiatto. Den gönne ich mir während und nach dem Einkauf. Dazu noch an der Sportbar schnell einen gesunden Salat vorm Fitty und dann passt es.

Jeden Dienstag und Freitag kann man dort in die Bibliothek (bei den Kassen im Nebenraum) und dort bringen alle Kunden bereits gelesene Bücher hin und Besitzer selbst hat oft ein paar Neue Bücher drin. Das coole ist, man kann sein Einkaufswagen abstellen, die Verkäufer scannen alles ab und legen die Maschine in den Einkaufswagen und man muss nur noch mit Karte den Betrag freigeben und kann raus - während man 1-2 Stunden in der Lounge liest.

Natürlich ist der Einkauf dort etwas teurer, aber man kann da genauso gut die G&G Produkte erhalten aber allgemein der Vibe ist halt schon nice.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Alles was bei drei nicht aufm Baum ist verbieten.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

Dann verbietet auch Alkohol, Zigaretten und den ganzen Ami Müll.

Wer sich die Produkte kauft, weiß doch dass die nicht gesund sein können. Sollte halt ein Label drauf und warnen, aber kann doch jeder selbständig entscheiden was er seinem Körper gönnt.

Irgendein Dully kauft auch ständig die überteuerten Pop Tarts (9 € pro Packung) und Edeka organisiert ständig nachschub, ist auch krebserregend. Würde mich echt interessieren wer diese Teile kauft.

Wahrscheinlich der gleiche Typ der diese einzeln verpackte Twinkies kauft. Derjeniche is aufjedenfall kein Geringverdiener.

The Game (

Normally not into this kind of genre (more thrash metal, stoner rock, punk) but this tune is the tune I need in the gym.



I am currently doing an upper/ lower body split. So I do upper body monday, tuesday lower body, wednesday light cardio and so on.

While I don't want to switch up things on lower body I want to learn to do pullups but I cant do them yet.

I am currently doing these for upper body:

  1. Pull ups (2x) and 8 negative pull ups
  2. Push ups
  3. Inverted rows (bodyweight)
  4. Back extension machine
  5. Biceps curls
  6. Triceps pushdowns

This I would do on monday. On thursday I'd just do lat pulldowns instead of pull ups and benchpress on the machine instead of push ups. On sunday I'd do some seated cable rows instead of Inverted rows with bodyweight... Maybe even do some back exercise with T-Bar and no inverted rows and no cable rows.

Is this a bad idea?

Wondering if I should just keep doing the same exercises and just increase weight? Seems easier, but it's kind of boring to me.



I live in a small town in europe, built a house and well it takes me about 25 minutes to the next bigger city (not huge one, lets say 50.000 people live there.

I sometimes find myself getting frustrated because the next gym is 7 minute drive by car to another smaller town. Grocery shopping I also do in another town nearby. Same people, same stuff, nothing new.

I am thinking about selling my house but I love the quiet area too. I love my freedom in my house and yard and I know everyone in town but nobody has my interests.

I can't just go to board game nights, meet many people in a bar, go shopping, go to a cafe and all that. I always have to drive those 25 minutes first.

But would I do all those things I wrote above if I'd live in the city? A few friends live in that city and say everything is so expensive and they do the same as I do (same gym, same grocery, same routine) just in the city.

But I feel like I am missing out.



I go to the gym since december. I started at 83,6 kg now I am at 79,4 kg. My goal is about 72 to 74 kg without losing too much muscles.

Right now I cant do a single pull up and I do a upper body lower body split.

Upper body:

  • Lat Pulldowns (cable)
  • Seated Rows (cable)
  • Australian Pull ups
  • Push Ups
  • Dead Hangs
  • Shoulder press (seated with dumbbells)
  • bicep curls standing with Dumbbells
  • Triceps cable machine

And lower body days I do

Leg press Leg extensions (machine) The other Leg machine that I pull back lol Lunges Knee raises on pull up bar

The wednesday and saturday I do inclined walking at 15% incline and 4 km/h speed for 30 minutes

My thought is losing weight, makes pull ups easier and doing some more bodyweight stuff.

Im scared I will develop disbalance somewhere, am I missing something?


One of my favorite bands and underrated imo


Hey! I finished my nursing school about 12 years ago and worked on a ICU for about two years after nursing school as a RN.

Moved to a different country and now I am working at a facility for disabled people.

I work only nightshift and we have to be awake all night in case emergency but honestly, I never had an emergency. My clients sleep all night.

My base income is very high and in addition I get nightshift bonus, so I am getting a lot of money that isn't taxed at the end of the month either because in this country shift differential (night, sundays, holidays) isn't taxed.

I don't know I am doing this since two years and if I'd lay down on a couch no one would ever know.

Should I keep going or say something? My Nightshift coworkers don't do anything either but they just keep quiet. And if I am honest I think the dayshift doesn't do a lot either. Our clients really dont need a lot of assist... it's kind of weird getting paid for this job.


So I am a beginner (male) in the gym and honestly I am feeling really good. 2 Months ago I started my cable lat pulldown at about 29 kg and was exhausted mid set 2 and went down with the weight.

Now my warm up is basically 35 kg and now I am at 47 kg.

Almost all exercises I increased my weight by a lot and while I don't really notice physical difference besides my body fat vanishing and my strength going up by numbers I am still excited and will keep going on.

I am 80 kg and 175 cm tall, my goal is losing more fat and gaining a bit more muscles but in general I'd say my goal is about 72-74 kg because I want to start climbing again soon.

Now my question of this topic is something else that makes me wonder. My wrists and fingers are so small, I mean really small for a male. I work as a nurse and I use size "S" in germany gloves.

I don't want to but even if I would want to can I actually become a Hulk? Like is that even possible? It seems I would look really weird if I had huge muscles because of how small my wrist, fingers and my head is. It would look so hilarious.

My goal isn't to become bulky anyways but I am just wondering what if it was my goal? Would that be possible? I seem to have very skinny bones.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Hey this is weird topic but I have to ask other people about this.

I bought my Toyota Yaris back in 2011, a really simple small car I was able to buy in cash without going in debt.

I wanted to replace this car so many years ago but everytime I searched for new cars it was the wrong time. For example when I changed my job, I didn't want to go in debt. Or when Corona the prices skyrocket for simple cars I didn't want to replace it.

Now, 13 years later I am still driving this car and today ( I am from Germany) it got through TÜV again. Good for me, I can still drive it around. I once again dont want to buy a new car now anyways (just built a house, got no money and expensive asf here).

But now I am at a point I dont ever want to replace it ever again. I want to get this car through so many TÜVs as possible and use it til it just dies.

It transported me to my first shift as a nurse, to my first night shifts, it transported me through my cancer back in 2013, it transported me to my first flight ever in Frankfurt and back, it never let me hanging. Heck, we crashed into three animals (two dears and a rabbit), someone opened the door against us at a parking lot on accident, we failed many times in parking houses cause of failing to stop and go on "ramps"...

And this thing is still running good. It needed one new battery replacement in all these years.

I feel really bad if I give it up one day. I dunno, it somehow feels like I'd lose a good friend at this point. The car itself really sucks, its slow on highways, it's very loud, but come on.. its doing what it should.

Like I am giving up my identity. I can't give us up. I am at a point it's a "us" and "we" and not a car. It is me.

Yeah it can't get to 100 km/h in 3 seconds. In fact, it takes almost 15 seconds. But I'm fine and it's fine with it too. If someone would trade my car against a newer car I am really not sure if I'd do it. I'd honestly have to think about it a while. It's stupid because a new car would remove all my worries "what if it wont work tomorrow" but I'd still need time to think about it.

Is my behaviour somehow kind of pathological? Is this something really awkward? I am not even a "car" person. I couldn't care less what I drive...

I currently ain't in the position to replace it anyways, but in 2 or 3 years I will be and I am not sure if I will replace it or just try to get through the "TÜV" again and drive another few years.

I have friends that visit once a year from Berlin and Hamburg and every year they say: "Wow you are still driving that car?!" Yes, the seatbelt in the back has the green blue red marks that my friends drew on them when I picked them up from a party where they were totally drunk. My now wife (30 years old now) who was my girlfriend back then (17 years old) puked in that car when I picked her up from a party after my nightshift LOL.

This is insane because time flys... people I am saying it, time really flys.


Ja, die Situation ist besorgniserregend. Die beschleunigte Erwärmung verstärkt extreme Wetterereignisse und treibt das Schmelzen von Gletschern und Polareis voran, was den Meeresspiegel ansteigen lässt. Der Rückgang von Wolken und das veränderte Reflexionsverhalten der Erde verstärken diese Prozesse. Die Auswirkungen könnten schneller und schwerwiegender eintreten, als bisher angenommen. Schnelles Handeln und drastische Reduktionen von Treibhausgasemissionen sind notwendig, um die Folgen abzumildern.

Interessanter Fun Fact:

Selbst wenn wir jetzt komplett umstellen wollen würden und wir uns alle einig wären es müsste was geschehen: es ist zu spät.

Wir haben weder die benötigten Ressourcen um alles komplett noch das nötige Geld. Wir können nicht mal in ein paar Jahrzehnte schnell alle LKW, Frachtschiffe usw. was mit Diesel betrieben wird auf E umstellen und um alles auf E umszustellen hauen wir währenddessen zu viel CO² raus (Produktion von Batterien etc.).

Würde schon sagen, dass wir "doomed" sind.

Aber wir hatten einen schönen Sommer und konnten oft ins Freibad, sowie früher. Ist doch alles gut?!

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