Ukraine existed before the USSR and Tasrist Russia.
It was an occupied territory.
Ukraine existed before the USSR and Tasrist Russia.
It was an occupied territory.
Not a new account chuckles, check the date. Hole one.
What I was saying and you have been told by others is that Hanks' portrayal is more charitable than they deserve and it makes them look like garden variety racists. Hole two.
I feel Hanks went soft on them.
You are worked up about a version of what I said in your fucking mind.
If you were blocked or blocked me why did you go out of your way to be offened?
Saying Tom Hanks portrayal of Maga is charitable of their behaviour is Nazi apologism?
What is your real issue here? You have that account blocked, and blocked so that it doesn't receive notifications. (Edit: I may have blocked you due to this type of behaviour)
Are you afraid that I'll poke holes in your argument?
Were you looking to call me a Nazi or do you just sling mud when someone steps out of your narrow set of authoritarian morals?
Fucking hell, can't the feds just not be shitheels one time?
I think it's the fact she's the premier of the province, which lends an official capacity to the actions.
Yeah, feels like he is walking in Carlin's foot steps but with his own cadence.
I wonder how many cis gendered girls are going to get dinged.
Sure, because criticizing one government for a specific set of actions and hand waving the same actions by a subsequent government is so rational.
Yeah, because you're such a shining example...
This is the second time you have commented on my main while blocked by it.
How are you doing that?
Why don't you DM me here so that maybe we can act like adults?