[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)
[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

Your timeline would almost certainly be a little less stupid if you did that with gusto, but people who've disagreed with you can also post things beneficial to you or post insights you hadn't thought of or post advice you'd find useful. I was a heavy RES tagger on reddit and I'd often come across well-meaning or useful posts and comments from people who'd been marked for saying jawdroppingly stupid shit about some other subject.

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

As are crepes. Yankakes are kinda gross, the baking powder gives them a really weird squeaky mouthfeel, kinda like rubbing cotton wool between your fingers but for the mouth.

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

Minus the Bear - Absinthe Part At The Fly Honey Warehouse

Pretty much the whole album's a summer-soaked stomper but this one hits me with that nostalgic pang of young love heading somewhere for a romantic summer holiday.

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

It was much worse in 2019, a post hitting over 100-200 was unusual and the comment sections were beyond dead. Most comment sections these days are still filled with hope, in 2019 suicide hotline threads were a weekly occurrence or more.

We'll see anyway, the BTC halving has led to a run 3 times in a row so far, just like clockwork. Barring another recession I just see the same pattern forming.

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

The benefit is the protocol can be used by any other ticket resellers worldwide very easily without having to set up some kind of multinational co-op and that the protocol/smart contract enforces the rules.

Usually the argument I'd hear is "But couldn't any company do this with a database?" and the answer is "Sure they could - now show me a company with shareholders who profit off of their consumers getting fucked over habitually that's willing to do it."

Ticketmaster thrives on being a law unto themselves, everybody complains about them, here's something that fixes it, proven to work for years, millions of tickets sold with no sign of a scalping market and the people who hate shitcoins throw their toys out of the pram and insist on maintaining Ticketmaster's dominance.

Congrats I guess, you get what you deserve.

Your conflating the idea of BTC or other currencies being decentralised with the needs of a specific protocol - not everything has to be shitcoin maximalism, it just has to be useful to the businesses and consumers using it. Purchases being made though normal money is a feature, not sure why you'd want it to be crypto since you hate it, you don't want to force people to see the boring backend stuff that shouldn't matter to them, that's what smart contracts are essentially for. The protocol enforces a ruleset, that's it. If it was designed to be transferrable wherever to whomever without using the protocol the original negative point you had at first (which you seemed to think is a bad thing, as do I) would now exist with people selling wallets and such.

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

Oh there's a ton of interest but just kept to shitcoiners for now - the subreddits are nothing like they were during the bear market around 2019, back then it was a ghost town even with a subscriber count of 800k but now they're still very active due to an influx of millions of users (6m subs on the main shitcoin sub).

It'll all likely swing back up in the next two years and become a media and scam frenzy again, then another crash, rinse, repeat.

Reddit shilling decentralisation and ownership knowing how they've acted the last few months is hilarious though, they've been prideful of saying "nope you don't own shit,now fuck off somewhere else" and spez bootlickers have been parroting it endlessly too. Seems odd that they're the people Reddit are going to have to advertise this... Fauxnership to.

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Interesting. Never even considered it as an option, probably says something!

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

Absolutely stellar album, probably my fave from Underworld. It's so consistently good with no filler at all and the opening trio of songs mixed together is sublime.

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Making a new account and linking to your old one in the bio isn't as convoluted as it may sound.

[-] Hitchie_Rawtin@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

Almost 11 years with this username, a few years before that with another account that was linked to IRL stuff so decided to dedoxify myself.

I'm glad tbh - Reddit's been tailspinning as an experience since 2016 at least, it's just become much more aggressive about hating it's userbase and free labour recently.

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