It's an AI image. There's a lot of impossible patterns and geometry here. Look at the floor under the rock and the pattern on the bedsheets lol. Also the ceiling is curving and the rock would be clipping into the wall from this perspective.
Something similar happened to me. When I was walking home from high school I found a quarter on the ground. I was craving potato salad so I went to a deli and asked them for a quarter's worth of it (they sold by weight). The guy at the counter looked really pensive and then was like "you know what, take it for free". He definitely thought I was a homeless teenager. I lived a block away and had for over a decade, and I went there all the time. Super awkward.
I enjoy pvp games that I'm talented at. If I'm not good at something I tend to get down when I keep losing. Pvp is just really hard and bottles that feeling of helplessness.
Production can be cut, without lowering pay for most workers
Companies have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders, so unless you're running a co-op or we transition to a socialist economic structure then this will likely never happen sadly. That huge gap between production and wages is what fuels our current economic paradigm. The system just needs to be rewritten.
Well evidently you can, somehow! Either by not knowing or by some other means lol.
Must not have known they were epileptic. I dated an epileptic person and she said they weren't even allowed to drive.
Hi-Rez try to make a correct management decision challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
What is this Facebook-tier jpegged nonsense
This is making me realize how much of real life operates with what people would consider troll physics were it not observably true. Black holes come to mind. Also shooting bullets underwater.
My favorite part is how the devil is judging the contest himself, and even with that huge advantage he's still like "nah he's just better rip"
Of course Linux is better for custom, purpose-built hardware. That's like, its main advantage for the commercial sector.
Dude no, you're just depressed. Go outside.