[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 1 day ago

Bookmarking this comment, never heard of those distros!

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 2 days ago

That was my take as well.

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 4 points 2 days ago

I gave Linux a try 2 or 3 times back when I was in school. It was a horrible user experience and games wouldn't work back then.

Now that games on Linux are a thing, I would love to give it a try once more. But now I have a full-time office job and a family. When I'm off work, I just want to fire up the PC and have everything work, which it does with windows. I also have the Pro version of Windows 11 and don't experience all of the ad horror that everyone here is talking about.

If I gain back the free time and mental capacity, I'll give it a try.

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 9 points 2 days ago

Nein, es geht ums Recycling. Die Deckel bestehen aus Polyolefine. Die werden mit PET erst grob zerhackt, dann über einen Dichterrenner separiert. So kann man die Deckel wunderbar recyceln. Und bevor du mit dem Bullshit Argument kommst, dass Recycling nicht funktioniert. Es funktioniert wunderbar. Insbesondere in Deutschland dank des guten Rückgabesystems.

Und nein, wer zum Fick wirft ganze Dosen weg? Und das mit den Laschen sind Einzelfälle, weil einige es witzig finden, die Dinger wegzuschnippsen. Das machen aber nicht viele. Du denkst dir einfach irgendeinen Quatsch aus.

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 8 points 2 days ago

In Deutschland? Ich kenne nicht sonderlich viele, die 25 Cent einfach so wegwerfen. Ich kann mich noch gut an die 90er erinnern, als man auf leere Dosen getreten ist, diese sich dann um den Fuß gewickelt haben und man so auf Dosen gehen konnte. Würde mich wundern wenn Millenials das überhaupt noch kennen.

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Back in the 90s when I lived in Amsterdam, I also saw svp (which is actually French) used often instead of aub. I never understood why though.

Also, ff wachten for example. ff is short for effe, or rather "even". Just wanted to throw that one into the mix.

Edit: alstublieft is also a short version of "als het uw blieft"

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 29 points 2 days ago

It's the only way to make these godawful stroads look somewhat nice.

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

They still exist. In the North not so much, but in Bavaria you'll find them on every corner.

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 7 points 4 days ago

Yeah well, they wouldn't buy earphones with fucking cameras on them from Google either, now would they?

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 9 points 5 days ago

Man, that sucks. But also kind of explains your mindset regarding this.

[-] Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de 43 points 3 weeks ago

Your post describes exactly the state I'm in. Fuck all these greedy fucks, fuck the dumb shits that vote them, fuck the conservatives enabling these Nazi fucks.

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