[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 22 points 3 days ago

When you watched Death of Stalin as an instruction manual.

[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 59 points 4 days ago

Russia’s state-owned Channel One covered the debate in depth, describing President Biden and Donald Trump as “small children from the nursery.” As Russian viewers were treated to replays of the candidates bickering over who was the better golfer, the presenter predicted that life itself in America would become “one never-ending game of golf,” with the United States lurching “from one big hole to the next.”


"One Painful Debate Is Not Evidence of America’s Decline

Russia and China have seized on last week’s painful presidential debate to push their narrative that America is in terminal decline."


[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 41 points 5 days ago

Where does your horseshoe theory bring you now, liberals? trump-drenched U brump


The Moral Economy of the Shire (nathangoldwag.wordpress.com)

An interesting analysis of Tolkein's descriptions of Hobbits. Quite a lot of quotes/citations. It really cuts through the whole "hobbits are anarchists" theory.

Shinji, get in the F-35 (www.reddit.com)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Ideology@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net



mega-rich-light-bending-guy flattened-bernie


dog-faced-pony-soldier biden


Full TextIt’s been difficult to keep up with the number of Republican efforts in recent years to roll back child labor laws. The Guardian reported in the fall that GOP policymakers at the state level “have led efforts to roll back child labor protections, with bills introduced in at least 16 states.”

To be sure, not all of the measures are identical. In some states, Republicans want to scrap age verification requirements for employers. In other states, they want minors to be able to serve alcohol. A Washington Post report last year noted some state GOP officials also eyed proposals to allow kids as young as 14 to “work certain jobs in meatpacking plants and shield businesses from civil liability if a child laborer is sickened.”

Evidently, related efforts are underway again this year, and this NoLa.com report out of Louisiana stood out as especially striking.

A Louisiana House committee voted Thursday to repeal a law requiring employers to give child workers lunch breaks and to cut unemployment benefits — part of a push by Republicans to remove constraints on employers and reduce aid for injured and unemployed workers.

Evidently, now that Republicans control all of the levers of power in Louisiana again — former Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards stepped down after two terms earlier this year — Republican Gov. Jeff Landry directed officials to “reform” the state’s business environment.

Some GOP officials are taking that directive quite seriously — to the point that they’re advancing a plan to scrap requirements for lunch breaks for child workers.

According to the local report, the proposal is being championed by Republican state Rep. Roger Wilder, who owns some smoothie franchises across the region, and who said many of his child employees want to work without lunch breaks.

“The wording is ‘We’re here to harm children.’ Give me a break,” he said. “These are young adults.”

For the record, the kids might very well be young, but they’re minors, not adults.

The reporting comes with some caveats: The bill this week passed a state legislative committee, and it’s headed to the state House floor in Louisiana, but it hasn’t yet become law. There’s still time, in other words, for the measure to be amended and/or defeated. But the bigger picture is nevertheless unmistakable: In contemporary politics, Republican governance, especially at the state level, is increasingly invested in rolling back child-labor safeguards.

As for why officials in so many states are “reforming” their child-labor laws — an issue that appeared to be relatively settled until quite recently — there’s reason to believe the sudden flurry is not coincidental.

The Washington Post last year highlighted the role of something called the Foundation for Government Accountability, which is taking the lead on “maneuvering” these changes through state legislatures.

The Florida-based think tank and its lobbying arm, the Opportunity Solutions Project, have found remarkable success among Republicans to relax regulations that prevent children from working long hours in dangerous conditions. And they are gaining traction at a time the Biden administration is scrambling to enforce existing labor protections for children. ... Since 2016, the FGA’s Opportunity Solutions Project has hired 115 lobbyists across the country with a presence in 22 states, according to the nonpartisan political watchdog group OpenSecrets.

With this in mind, there’s no reason to expect these measures to disappear anytime soon.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Ideology@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

I'm proud to announce the launch of the public beta for Clew, my independent web search engine! 🎉🎉🎉

Try Clew: https://clew.se
Add to your browser: https://clew.se/add/

Clew maintains an independent index and is aiming to be a copyleft (APGLv3), self-hostable, privacy-respecting, customizable search engine which prioritizes independent creators/bloggers/writers and penalizes sites with ads and trackers.

Many features are yet to come. If you'd like to support Clew's development and server costs, you can donate to its Liberapay team: https://liberapay.com/Clew/

Boosts are very welcome, as is feedback of any kind!

submitted 1 month ago by Ideology@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net

Also I think there might be a comic or something.


Imagine this: you’ve “dated” 600 people in San Fransisco without having typed a word to any of them. Instead, a busy little bot has completed the mindless ‘getting-to-know-you’ chatter on your behalf, and has told you which people you should actually get off the couch to meet.

The memes are becoming real. omori-manic

submitted 2 months ago by Ideology@hexbear.net to c/fediverse@hexbear.net

Organizer for Front End North, @katiefenn@front-end.social:

Last week the LGBTIQA+ Greens, the officially affiliated liberation group for the Green Party of England and Wales, lost its Twitter account for unknown reasons. It was suspended. It was appealed. The appeal went nowhere.

I cannot state enough that trans people need to urgently divest from Twitter. The network is actively hostile to us now.

Maintaining a presence is fine, but we must move the centre of gravity for organising onto other platforms.

I’ve been off Twitter for two weeks now, and I’ve gained a bit of perspective about how much organising still happens on the platform.

The Twitter thread is still our primary source of news and information. All this becomes inaccessible the moment you move off Twitter. And as more and more people quit Twitter, our community is fracturing and becoming less powerful.

I think this really hit us hard when the Cass report was published. Our adversaries are organised, and we are scattered.

Rest of the threadWhen I’ve shared this in some private forums, I’ve been told that those with serious mental health or safety concerns “are better off not on Twitter”.

I argue that this is an argument for excluding some of the most vulnerable in our community, and we should treat Twitter as an inaccessible space for organising.

It’s the people staying on Twitter to the exclusion of other networks that is causing the problem.

We MUST do better than this.


@katiefenn but our enemies don’t organize with Twitter, they just use it as the conduit to project their organization. The conclusions of that study were already determined when it was commissioned. The channel must be severed.

@emilygorcenski That’s true. It shows that they were organised ahead of time when it came out. They’d briefed sympathetic and influential people, and made sure that critics were spending the whole day reading the damn thing while they were giving interviews.

In fact, I think the fact that the earliest criticisms were based off of an easily refuted, leaked press briefing really hurt us.

We should be doing the same - organise off the platform, and channel it through Twitter.

[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 88 points 2 months ago


Exclusive: Israel planning ring of checkpoints to prevent men from fleeing Rafah

Israel is setting up 'complex network' of checkpoints to prevent 'military age' men from fleeing Rafah assault, senior western official tells MEE.

Full TextIsrael is setting up a complex system of checkpoints that will prevent men of “military age” from fleeing Rafah in preparation for its offensive on the southern Gaza border city, a senior western official familiar with Israel’s plans has told Middle East Eye on condition of anonymity.

The checkpoints are designed to allow some women and children to leave Rafah ahead of an expected Israeli offensive, but unarmed, civilian Palestinian men will likely be separated from their families and remain trapped in Rafah during an expected Israeli assault.

The previously unreported disclosure of Israel’s construction of a ring of checkpoints around Rafah underscores how Israel is pushing ahead with plans to attack the city where over one million displaced Palestinians are sheltering in tents and makeshift camps.

The creation of gender-based checkpoints around Rafah would put a spotlight back on Israel’s practice of stripping and forcibly detaining male Palestinian men and children, as it faces rising scrutiny in the West of its conduct in the war.

The rounding up of Palestinian males in Gaza and photographing them stripped to their underwear drew condemnation in December, with the US calling the images “deeply disturbing”.

Relatives of many of the men photographed recognised them and said they had nothing to do with Hamas. Israel's military was later accused of staging footage of men surrounding weapons.

“Israel considers every male a Hamas fighter until proven otherwise,” Abbas Dahouk, a former senior military advisor at the State Department and military attache in the Middle East told Middle East Eye.

“It’s not a sound move. Cordoning Rafah is a daunting task and good luck separating fathers and sons from their families.” Truce talks down to the wire

Israel’s preparations for an assault are occurring at the same time it continues down-to-the-wire truce talks with Hamas. A delegation from Hamas is set to visit Egypt on Monday for further negotiations.

The US, UN, European states and Arab powers are pushing to avert a Rafah offensive, which aid workers and diplomats say could spark a humanitarian disaster and potential refugee crisis.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday urged Hamas to accept the latest Israeli truce offer which he described as “extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous”.

“In this moment, the only thing standing between the people of Gaza and a ceasefire is Hamas," Blinken said in Riyadh at the World Economic Forum.

"They have to decide - and they have to decide quickly,” Blinken said, in an apparent reference to Israel’s threat to invade Rafah.

In Riyadh, Blinken met with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani.

Both Qatar and Turkey maintain ties with Hamas, with the former hosting the group’s political leadership at the request of Washington. Egypt, which borders Rafah and whose security establishment talks directly with Hamas’s armed wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, is also mediating.

MEE reached out to the White House and the Israeli embassy in Washington for comment on this story, but neither responded by the time of publication. Reconnaissance by fire

Israel has offered a 40-day truce to Hamas and the return of thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli jails in exchange for hostages. It has also downsized its demand that at least 40 hostages held in Gaza be released, with the new figure being placed at 33 hostages.

But Hamas has called for a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and the return of forcibly displaced Palestinians to their homes. A key sticking point in the talks has been Hamas’s demand that Palestinian families are not to be separated going back to their homes.

As truce talks drag on, Israel has ramped up its threat to invade Rafah, where it says four Hamas battalions are stationed. As the threat of an Israeli attack mounts, Hamas has also released more hostage videos.

Israel’s potential assault on Rafah is in many ways unique to warfare.

The border town turned sprawling refugee camp is hemmed in on the left by the Mediterranean Sea and on the right by Israel proper, both of which Israel controls. Egyptian troops are massed along Rafah’s southern border where Cairo has vowed to prevent an influx of refugees. Hamas fighters have shed their uniforms and disappeared into a vast tunnel network, military experts say.

Israeli analysts have told MEE previously that Israel's war cabinet believes it can't declare victory in Gaza without attacking Rafah, but other analysts say the bloody assault is unlikely to extract Israel from the Gaza quagmire.

“The conduct of Israel’s operations from north to south has been revenge-driven, not intelligence-driven," Dahouk told MEE. "They don’t know where the enemy is. It’s reconnaissance by fire.”

[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 101 points 2 months ago

Curious if it'll gain any traction. The dev already has an instagram clone.



[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 83 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)
  • Communists didn't steal africans from their homes and ship them across the ocean.
  • Communists didn't organize the white working class to go to war against slave rebellions.
  • Communists didn't set the Americas on fire and put Native Americans in concentration camps from Nunavut to Tierra del Fuego.
  • Communists didn't build railroads in Central America to extract resources from the impoverished, turning them into fruit pickers for American wealth.
  • Communists didn't intentionally overextract from colonial India, causing millions to die from famine.
  • Communists didn't draw the maps that turned west asia into a tinderbox of constant warfare.
  • Communists didn't make the world dependent on the petrodollar and accelerate climate change.
  • Communists didn't drop 7.6 million tons of bombs on Vietnam.
  • Communists didn't train Suharto on the art of dictatorship at a military base in Kansas.
  • Communists didn't take away Chile's right to self determination and sell its factories to American owners.
  • Communists didn't obliterate North Korea until one of the most christian nations in the world didn't have a single church standing.
  • Communists didn't hollow out Iraq for oil.
  • Communists didn't sell that factory and move it to Bangladesh because the workers unionized.
  • Communists don't run Blackrock.
  • Communists are not landlords.
  • Communists aren't on the board that owns your job.

Liberalism existed when all these things happened and what did it do besides feebly step aside for big business interests? At some point you have to realize the ideology is genocide all the way to its core. Liberalism IS Capitalism.

If you fear that communists are coming for you, then you need to ask yourself if your wages are worth it to sell the rest of humanity to the machine. The clock is ticking and climate change is not patient anymore.

[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 84 points 4 months ago

The real gender ideology is thinking you can boil the entire human experience down to two aesthetics, you're only allowed to have one, and it's chosen for you at birth.

[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 91 points 10 months ago

The GDR insignia makes everything cooler

[-] Ideology@hexbear.net 93 points 11 months ago

You're not supposed to talk, you're just meant to upvote memes.

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