Love to read these stories. You've come so far and you get the happiness you always wanted <3
What do you expect from the company which promised that windows 10 would be the last one? xD
I'm the first one. I wish I knew why but whenever I try and sit anything like the second diagram I'll get neck and back pain all day. I have hypotonia tho so maybe it's that?
Been on HRT since 2022 and there have been changes! Fat redistribution is one of the more gradual effects of HRT but it's doable. Also there are lots of women who don't have that hourglass shape. One of my best friends is a cis woman who is straight up and down. I still find her very pretty.
Sorry to bother you but is an alt of Call Me Lenny/Leni, and Leni appointed the alt as a mod (the alt is still listed as a mod on AskLemmy). Confirmation that they're alts and
You took the usernames of people on DeviantArt who either didn't like you, or called you out. On your DomoTown account, you said this in your bio
Yet, if someone types in "ThatWasLeftHanded" into DeviantArt, people can clearly see that the person on DeviantArt is not you.
Anyway, I'm leaving this thread because enough has been said already and I don't feel like feeding a troll any further.
They're now trolling about being skeptical that the AfD party are pro Nazi/Nazis.
You really think something like that can't happen again? Look at the AfD's official posters for a start.
KaneLivesInDeath - your Lemmy alt. The real KaneLivesInDeath was a person who called you out on DeviantArt. The username was changed, so it seems like they're aware you took their name.
TheCunningCondor - your ArtStation account. The real TheCunningCondor is an artist who is on DeviantArt.
xxoreothecrowxx - Your ArtGram account. The real xxoreothecrowxx is on DeviantArt.
NiotaBunny - one of your Reddit accounts. The real Niotabunny is on DeviantArt
shinigamiookamiryuu - your account. This was also a username of Niotabunny once they realized you stole their alias. Provable by the fact that typing in their old username goes to their account.
ThatWasLeftHanded, your DomoTown account. the real ThatWasLeftHanded on DeviantArt
Didn't you leave a comment recently saying the AfD aren't Nazis?
Trump was never on your side, now you're finding out the hard way :|