Sign-ups and Verification (citizensgaming.com)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com to c/support@citizensgaming.com

If you're looking to sign up for an account at Citizens Gaming, we'd love to have you here!

To avoid any confusion around the process, here are a few things to be aware of:

  • We require email verification. This is to make sure we don't end up getting mass spammed with bot account requests.
  • Lemmy can be finicky when it comes to the account verification process. You will receive an email that you must check before we see your application. If you mess up that step of the process, I have to go into the database and manually fix your account.
  • If you have any issues with this process please email us at contact@citizensgaming.com and we'll look into it.

CitizensGaming is already federated with most of the major Lemmy instances. However, it's important to understand how the federation process works:

  • Before our instance knows anything about another instance, a user registered here must interact with that other instance in some way (liking a post, replying to a thread, subscribing to a community, etc).

  • If you find an instance that we aren't syncing too, let us know and we'll check it out.

Lost In The Desert (citizensgaming.com)

This week's sneak peak is a look at a new outpost.

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 36 points 10 months ago

Adjusted for inflation, that $700 rent would be $1,242 today. Not quite enough to get it all the way to the $3,600 they are quoting today. There's something else very funky going on right now. A lot of cities are experiencing massive population loss... yet rental costs continue to rise. I'm sure the housing crisis has a large part to play in that, but it still doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 39 points 10 months ago

Not sure what he expected. I commend all the protesting, but we all saw how reddit responded. They didn't give two shits. Yet people stick around in a toxic relationship with the site until they get removed. It's weird. Why not just make the move to Lemmy before they take everything from you?

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 20 points 10 months ago

Lmao I can tell you've never used Teams before.

I work for MS and literally every MS employee hates Teams. I would cut off my tongue before I recommend it to a friend.

The problem with Discord isn't the program, it's the fact that we have a million different servers now. People just don't like having to go to a new server for every different conversation, but that's the way they all chose to use it so it's their own fault.


While the VPS Citizens Gaming runs on has plenty of storage space, we've been working towards implementing migrating to object storage. Since SC content is generally image and video heavy, this will give us the expandability as the community grows.

If you see any odd behavior around image content, this is why. Hopefully it will be a seamless migration.

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 20 points 10 months ago

This does sound like planned obsolescence to me...

Oop CPU sales are down! Leak one of our critical flaws to force people to upgrade!

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 44 points 11 months ago

I'm really glad a developer that actually cares about BG made this game. I'm not sure how much more I can take of ruined classics.

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 61 points 11 months ago

Man, BG games are really some of the best! Give it a play!


I went to a random ship meetup in my server last week and won 1st place!

This streamer is doing ship meetup contests weekly on Fridays if you want to try your luck, with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd best ships:



There weren't too many ships at this one, so chances were stacked in my favor :D

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 27 points 11 months ago

I don't understand why they would even try to get this data. It's not like a Reddit post would stand up in court as admissable evidence of piracy.

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 21 points 11 months ago

Man, this makes me rethink my whole idea of online anonymity.

There's a lot of reasons why requiring identity verification could be a good thing, but holy shit now I realize how quickly something like that could slip into authoritarianism.

I still think we need a identity verification service for things like online games and social media (to thwart ban evasion), but it has to be something decentralized.

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 20 points 11 months ago

Yeah, right-wingers flock to "safe-spaces" as much as the far-left does. Lemmy doesn't have the tools to make a single community isolated like they could on Reddit, so they have to go to their own instances and end up defederated.

The main differences between left-wing and right-wing communities is that the right-wing ones quickly deteriorate towards a lot of hate related things. This leads them to being isolated from the rest. The left wingers are mostly tolerable and are just over zealous in preaching things like forcing everyone to use pronouns, lmao.

Thank you for doing your part (citizensgaming.com)

You are the Difference – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com to c/community@citizensgaming.com

I want to keep a list of all starcitizen communities here on Lemmy that people might want to subscribe too. Also make sure you subscribe to all of the communities here on Citizens Gaming so they will show up in your subscribed feed even if you are hosted on another instance:

Citizens Gaming SC communities







SC communities on other instances




If you find any new SC communities elsewhere, let us know where so we can add them!

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 25 points 11 months ago

I just don't understand our societies lax take on gun control.

In Boston, there was a restaurant owner that got mad at a guy so he rode up to him on his bike and tried to shoot him in the street! He's only being charged with assault!

Motherfucker tried to commit murder and shot into a busy restaurant and no one seems to really care.

Sneak Peak - Fury LX (robertsspaceindustries.com)

LX usually denotes a luxury model right? I'm not sure how you add luxury to a Fury 😀


From inside the weekly update today, this is a really good fan-made production.

Here's the text of the letter at the end of the video:

Port Olisar - The space station above Crusader with majestic views.

Over the years you have become more than just a space station. You have become a beacon of Hope, Dreams, and aspirations of what is to come. A launching point for our adventures and the beginning of an era. We will miss you and all the memories you bring every time we see you.

But fear not for us for we are moving towards the future on the path that you paved for us. And there will be a new angel in the sky watching over us - Seraphim

This is not a farewell, my old friend, for I will search pyro and beyond till we meet again.

When we do, I will be flooded with the memories of where this adventure began.

-The Community

Go give Ezper a sub on YouTube and bump the post on the community hub. This content is worth it!

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 32 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

There are many instances that have 50k+ bot accounts because they didn't protect their sign-ups. Those instances should be defederated by everyone until they get cleaned up.

Not de-federating for political reasons is a personal preference and one that you are free to have, but if you aren't protecting the fediverse from security risks like bot swarms, you're doing more harm than good.


Let us know why you're still a fan of starcitizen and/or CIG!


One thing of note from the announcement:

With Turbulent as part of the CIG group of companies, our headcount will be over 1,100, making us one of the largest independent game developers in the world!

It's pretty insane to think how large CIG has gotten over the years. It makes sense to bring in Turbulent now. If everyone remembers correctly, they had spun up a team to make PU content last year, and many of us didn't really understand why that work would happen "out-of-house".

I know that opinions have always been varied about the CIG website and Spectrum, but personally I think Turbulent has a lot of good talent. Whether they are just contracted out or owned by CIG doesn't make a lot of difference, but at least now we know their talent will be dedicated to the project and not split working on other things.

Lorville is ominous at night (citizensgaming.com)

I get a much better Blade Runner feel from Lorville now and I'm here for it!

[-] JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com 218 points 1 year ago

It's crazy how many people will just click accept on security warning them that an app will access literally everything on their phone.

It's also crazy how many people don't even know that Threads is Meta... where the f have these people been for the past 10 years?

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joined 1 year ago