Can someone tell me why the step from LLM to AGI would only be 5 years, not 50?
They allowed a team from the WHO limited access. All kinds of samples were missing. They weren't allowed to test any samples. And the list goes on. It was a show, not an investigation. The CCP has 0 incentive to investigate. Because either they already know. Or they suspect. Either way the Chinese narrative now is that it came from abroad and was brought into China. So any investigation that could show the contrary is a non-starter.
Not at all. It's the CCP's MO. They probably didn't even know where it exactly came from. But started covering up anyway. It's a common theme. There was a chinese kindergarten, and rumours got around that the military was abusing the children in a basement. Instead denying it and starting an investigation, the government censored the whole thing, ordered parents to stay quiet and completely shut down the school. In the end it was just rumours, no evidence was ever found. But just in case they start covering up, almost as a reflex.
Lab leaks/accidents are fairly common. This didn't require some malicious intent or a "perfect storm" of events to occur. There are like 1 or 2 every year, that we know of.
A study investigated and saw the following from 2000 to 2021 (
"... identified laboratory-acquired infections in 309 individuals, documented in 94 incident reports covering 51 pathogens of varying degrees of hazard. Some of these infections were fatal, and some resulted in the spread of laboratory workers’ infections to others in the community. In addition, the researchers identified 16 incidents of pathogen escape from biocontainment facilities during the period."
And that's not even including all the smaller incidents which adds up to about a hundred a year.
So a lab leak is not only plausible, it's very likely. It requires no malice or conspiracy. And Wuhan actually has a lab that was studying the COVID virus. The communist party however has already covered up, so actual evidence is hard to get.
Meanwhile colourblind people running the red light