Appears???? It was.
It had worked for the GOPers every time so far. So why not now?
In this case, unfortunately, the past is indeed indicative of the future. Oh and by the way, fuck you Merrick Garland you useless quisling and coward.
It’s not about you Joe. Get the fuck over yourself.
Not queer here, but I will stand and fight along side my queer friends and family to protect them.
Well, there you have it.
Ukraine should burn Moskow to the ground.
I seem to remember that Switzerland has a history of profiting from their relationships with Nazi's. Thus they might not be a good source of advice as to what to do about Nazi's.
RFK jr. is an example of how ignorance is in itself a great evil.
If they read the news, they wouldn't post the stupid stuff they post.
The 3D gun thing in China is frickin’ hilarious. Xi and the CCP are gonna go apeshit about that.
You mean the billionaires who own Trump will never allow another Demicratic president nor Congressional majority. Rule of law and democracy, even the pale shadow of democracy we had, in the US is dead.