[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 70 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

All my homies hate agile, Jira, scrum, kanban, etc.

In truth none of these items are inherently wrong - what's wrong is leadership picking up new tools and adopting management structures expecting them to solve fundamental organizational issues.

Instead they only serve to magnify the outcomes of your existing corporate culture.

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 81 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

One quote that really stuck with me is from the YouTuber "Practical Engineering"

He was talking about how we often call road construction workers lazy for standing around, while one person is doing the work.

At one point he says something to the effect of "Next time you're working, pay attention to the actual amount of time you spend actively doing things, you might be surprised to realize it's not that much. It's just natural to need time to break and think to do your job properly - the only difference between them and you is your work activity isn't publicly visible"

Similarly I take the stance it's none of my business what people do at work as long as it doesn't interfere with me. Results are what matter, and even then that's between them and their boss.

I've lost count of the times I've watched apparent slackers achieve great accomplishments (and not because they got someone else to do their work). Conversely those who complain about the amount of work they are putting in often turn out to be unproductive (sometimes covering up their laziness with that narrative, or just doing their job really inefficiently).

Another thing I noticed in school is when you're in an exam, take a look around - you will notice nearly everyone is just sitting staring and doing nothing. You haven't entered the twilight zone, they're just thinking, you don't notice when you do it because you're too busy...thinking!!


Fediverse users are femurs?

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 67 points 1 month ago

So then the answer is to uninstall apps that give you reminders - to negate the correlation that nagging users leads to positive outcomes.

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 142 points 1 month ago

For me the only downside is having to use a Microsoft account to play.

Otherwise I think the frequency of updates and continued support of the Java version have been pretty solid.

Some of the mechanics have changed but I often grow to like them when I stop viewing them in isolation. For example I thought it was annoying iron ore became drops, but when I found I could use fortune pick it all made sense!

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 137 points 1 month ago

I regularly pray Mr. Rogers remains the counterexample to this trend 🙏

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 88 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. Just sayin', I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upvote to give for this cool story, bro.

CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed.

Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? Nice try, you monster. What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. You must be new to reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once. This stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. 2/10, would not bang. What is this I don't even know how is this wtf? Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels. When you see it, they'll KILL IT WITH FIRE! But this has nothing to do with atheism. Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym, and SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, said no one ever, so you wouldn't download a strawman. Damn onions, you scary like a BOSS. whoosh.

Since rule #1 is 'be attractive', I'll just leave this here: This is my [f]irst post, be gentle. I have the weirdest boner right now, so I'll be in my bunk with dat ass. Oh, you! ...now KISS!!! I know you should never stick your dick in crazy, but DM;HS.

...this kills the redditor.

OP will surely deliver. In the meantime, I'll show myself out.

Directed by M. Night Shamallama

edit: accidentally a word

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 69 points 1 month ago

Wait...y'all were paying for Docker?

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 101 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

A true 4channer compliment would have also included her race

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 66 points 1 month ago

Sponsors of Linus Tech Tips

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 118 points 1 month ago

Thoughts and prayers for the one patient for whom it actually was a freak accident

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 63 points 1 month ago

In theory it helps by funneling fans between The Avengers, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, for which they have refined the process of pumping out content and merchandise with lower cost and risk

declining ticket sales

In practice people just stop going to the movies

But hey, I guess the profit margins are better

[-] KellysNokia@lemmy.world 95 points 2 months ago

Wells Fargo allegedly fired over a dozen employees for using mouse jigglers.

I wonder if the check in was disciplinary for insufficient realistic mouse movement.

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