[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 53 points 4 months ago

The goal of Apollo was to make a good app. The goal of the official reddit app is to show you ads and siphon money off you.

Spot fucking on.

Ever have a good app? Something you like using but it's by a corporation but that's ok, because it's a good app and does what you want? And then they start adding more features to it, and it slows down, and it's more annoying and it keeps offering services you don't want, and it changes and it morphs and it becomes a shit app.

Hell I've watched Whisk become something I liked using to something worthless now it's Samsung food... Switched to using CopyMeThat which actually also gets me recipes from sites that you can't just read the recipes from, and that's ALL it does (well recipe book/shopping cart/meal planning, which is what it's designed for.)

I'm just sick of "How do we make more money" instead of just being an app that does what it says. Gaming is going down the same hole, sadly.

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 61 points 4 months ago

Jesus Christ.

Remember when Google's Motto was "Don't be Evil" It was supposed to be a jab at Microsoft, but it feels like every year tech companies find news ways to just be fucking evil.

PS. Google kind of fails to live up to that motto too, I don't even know if it's still an official motto.

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 56 points 10 months ago

"Thank god she chose that one, the rest are my drugs."

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 51 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Said none of those companies.

Listen, all those companies suck, but you don't have to put words in their mouths, everyone seems extremely positive about Baldur's Gate, and I would say almost all developer aspire to reach the same breadth and depth as Baldur's Gate 3 with as much polish as they put on it. There's a long list of reasons why they can't or don't (often publishers... or scope creep... but mostly publishers).

Unless there's a massive thread of shit talking from other developers that I'm missing, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist.

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 57 points 11 months ago

I wonder if it was "hard" or "I want the Taliban to take over." There's probably a decent amount of people in that area that can fundamentally agree with the Taliban. it's a religious and oppression group. If you're ideologically aligned with the Taliban, and male, you're probably either as good or better of under them.

Not saying this is everything but I imagine there's at least some people who are ok with the new government, mostly because they don't care about others over their own self.

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 62 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)


I don't mean this as support, but the entire food and restaurant industry works based on migrant and undocumented workers. Hopefully more people realize this, because I can't imagine most of it is legal outside of missing documentation, and if that's why we have cheap food... honestly we need to see the real price of food especially when everyone is paid fairly, not turn a blind eye to migrant and undocumented workers.

Maybe more people will wake up to this.

Though also it's possible that the stores are just bare because they missed a delivery or something else. I've seen stores like that the day before a delivery because there was a rush on X or Y... One day I just wanted a bell pepper and my persian market that has some of the best and most consistent produce ever was just out of them. IT happens.

Also technically that's a Walmart... Maybe people count it as a grocery store, but there's a lot more at play in a walmart (And not somewhere I'd go for produce in the first place)

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 62 points 11 months ago

It should be VIM

No one comes back from VIM.

Those who say they have are dirty liars... or have it paused in the background.

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 47 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It costs penny on the dollar to archive the final code base of these games.

Saying it's fine is like saying a artist shouldn't keep copies of their work on the wall because there's no money it's it.

Companies should have pride in their accomplishments. These companies only care about profitability, and care nothing about what they have done in the past unless it makes them more money. It's why modern gaming feels soulless.

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 59 points 11 months ago

Read up about this, because you're mistaken. This wasn't just because she's from the "Wrong country". She's an outspoken advocate for the war. Kharlan's brother is defending the Ukraine in the army.

Yeah I wouldn't be able to shake her hand either.

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 54 points 11 months ago

I actually had a chance to talk to someone who is part of the flight crew who flies her (And other dignitaries) for the US as first lady and they said Jill Biden is the real deal. Extremely nice, even singing happy birthday to one of the crew when she found out it is their birthday.

Kind of one of those things I'm glad to hear about.

Though I kind of thought there was something off, but this was back when Biden was VP. (She would almost never fly on Air Force 2 now since that's the VP's designation)

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 60 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Not a shock.

Food scares are almost always over blown (except obviously tide pods).

People thought MSG was going to kill everyone. People thought Cholesterol was the key to good health. Even fat in moderation is perfectly fine.

But Fish will kill you with mercury, uncooked pork will kill you with everything (which is unlikely to happen in the first place, but also most pork you get is already cooked, at least sausage and hams). Salmonella is definitely going to kill you. Your kitchen is going to burn down, Fried food will end your life, and all processed food is bad.

Remember Supersize me? Remember the guy who ate two big macs a day for multiple years. That SINGLE guy should have been the end of the entire documentary, because he basically showed "Yes you can eat McDonalds in moderation and have a healthy life." But instead "McDonalds is going to kill you with super sized food."

The fact is you're probably more likely to get Ebola than most of these things actually contributing to your death.. though speaking of disease myths...

These things rush in, kill a business or a company, and then are forgotten, and then 10 years later new science comes out and goes "Btw it wasn't as bad as people thought... try it out"

[-] Kinglink@lemmy.world 49 points 1 year ago

Wait Sudo?

You guys don't log in with root, and remove the password to make it easier to log on faster? It's a little configuration but definitely worth it for time.

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