I'm not sure how old the image is, but I know many states (since this shit only happens in one place, it seems) have made laws requiring rape kits to be paid for by the police, even if you don't want a report. I don't exactly remember how it works, but you do have to report the crime to the police, so the hospital paperwork gets handled, but you don't have to have suffer through the interview of a detective or the DA's office.
So maybe we could do the other thing that scientists have been saying, and make school start later. Obviously just one of the things that would need to be fixed, because school is currently a glorified daycare (because both parents are working, yay) and changing the times would fuck up parents' lives.
Well now the original premise is being changed... Don't take away dragonrider's potential future with tridecanonillion dollars! Sextillion is also a very fun word to say in the halls of power.
Oh, that reminds me. If I book a flight on christmas, maybe I'll get the TSA present.
I mean, dragonrider thinks that people will have a billion dollars, and the rich will have a trillion, but dragonrider thinks that the rich will have quadrillions by that point. Maybe dragonrider will even get to start using all those idle game terms like quintillion, or decillion.
It worked for that bullgirl in NYC, didn't it? Let's make it happen.
And let's not even get into whether the water molecule is the same two Hs and O that it was when it was in Hitler's mouth. Or, holy hell, what if his water became your muscles! Which, you know, is another possibility.
As a young dude, I used to get frisked often. Now, I wonder if I could put on a wig and change my frequency. I miss the human contact.
If the rules are the same everywhere, they would do what every other competent place that has procedures that need to be followed does, and post them at the front. The fact that a TSA bitch has to stand there and tell you what to do means they've already failed.
Can you imagine knowing that people refuse to help you because they think ghosts are real? Dying of preventable causes because some idiot was told something invisible existed? ~~Medicine~~ Aid right at your fingertips from qualified professionals but quasi-religion ensured it didn't happen?
This is why you have to introduce the concepts of mimics or demons that have access to change shape. Otherwise the party always frees the chained up maiden in the dungeon without asking any questions. Alternatively, if there is a rogue, you don't have to worry. They'll try their best to convince the others that they'll get xp for stabbing the prisoner.