Isn't this that decade old copypasta?
Thats the average conversation with a slrpnk user
All 4 words sounds like words for a fart that kids might use.
Okay meemage might be a bit more disgusting
Love that image
Philosopher Jean Baudrillard would take up the concept and run with it in Simulacra and Simulation (1981), arguing that we now live mainly in the map, in the recreation of reality, rather than in reality itself.
I will probably make a post on some of the ideas from this EXTREMELY short story. With incredibly deep ideas while using essentially one paragraph. One of my favorite short stories ever. is another but for some reason i didnt consider them as interest based. Probably bc science, tech and nature are everywhere.
A link to view the written version.
I had heard of this story but never read it. This was AMAZING.
'A dream to meat! How strangely appropriate, that we should be meat's dream.' I love this sentence so much.
I love this style of outsider perspective that deals with human absurdity and the infinite possibilities of the universe. Especially when dealt with sharp comedy instead of self importance. This remimded me of a Hictchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Also, is this the community I should be posting lemmy issues on?
The juxtaposition of matthews obliviousness to his daughter's concerns and his online success is good irony. Its well written.
Though I would like to say the narrative arc of someone becoming consumed by the pursuit of viral success, at the expense of real-life relationships, has been explored in various forms across different media. So overdone.
The whole views skyrocketing and Matthew ignoring his real-life relationships thing? Feels kinda cliché, personally. (Not an important critique at all)
Question: The sicaria/ carrie part. Does that imply she wants a real life relationship while hes stuck online or a fractured relationship? Or smth else entirely
The daughter not knowing reddit while the father is the one obsessed with virality is an interesring choice when normally the generational divide in this manner is portrayed the other way round.
The paleo diet is another interesting choice. Trying to suggest the kind of person who'd do both?
Carrie thinking of him as an old fart resistant to change is funny too. Considering ... well
Are you OP or is this by some other michael moss? Either way, thanks for the great post.
It comes as a mild shock to me, since we have a very strong purity culture here. I still have an unflattering tho undeserved reputation.
Oh yeah, thats the stuff