Gentle reminder that this image is to be even more of what there is to look more like.
Aneurysm Posting
For shitposting by people who can smell burnt toast.
Instance Rules:
- Nothing promoting crypto, blockchain or NFTs.
- Nothing right wing.
- Nothing anti science.
- No tankie support.
- No porn.
According to know your meme's explanation and the linked search popularity, there were time travelers who searched the term in 2005 despite the meme coming from a post in 2009. So maybe 2009 was someone referencing a 4 year old meme?
The question first appeared in a thread on the /v/ (video games) board on 4chan about an upcoming Wii game The Conduit on February 12th, 2009.
Thank you
Happy to help
Guess the spoon is working as some kind of Conduit here.
There is no spoon, literally.
Like, the beginning and middle kind of can be made sense of. But the ending just throws me for a loop
I think I smell burnt toast....
Looks photoshopped. Look at the weird brush strokes around some of the characters
Hm. Might be a result of a bunch of white-out being applied to a sign that used to make sense but that was "corrected" into this?
Edit: turned up from a TinEye reverse image search, a less-cropped version. Looks like the distortion may just be a result of brutal jpegging followed by "restoration."
Pretty sure that’s AI generated.
It looks like it was AI upscaled then jpegged and upscaled again and so on a couple of times.
I found what seems to be an older more-original version, and that could well be the case. It's jpegged to heck.
Isn't this that decade old copypasta?