Well, at least for me, it isn't actually something I'm actively pursuing. I like spicey things that have a kick, but you get used to the heat, so you gotta turn up the heat for the same experience. I guess in that aspect, it's kinda like drugs.
Omg... reading these comments... I mean, no disrespect, but it's very pitiful, aren't they?
What's it's like to be scared of things so far removed? Do you understand fear is a tactic very very often used by those in power?
Do not have fear
Oh, something political related? You should get outta the house more...
That toothpaste analogy feels accurate, and funny :)
I get complimented on my welcoming, friendly smile. it's the opposite of extremes, though. I don't have the intention to fool everybody, but I'm not happy 80% blah blah fucking internet social media bullshit! Why do I try... yall don't care. You, in particular, don't really care, probably. Bah...
If you see someone on the side of the road in distress, why not stop and see if you can help? You might save a life.
Very edgy bro.
... multiple private schools? You must be smart