Oh shit, that's what's up
Ok but (((this shit))) is cringe
Prove it
Also doesn't require school! But to be honest, as cheap as community college is, learning to weld there is a dilly of a deal. Contrast the, what, $800? spent on tuition per semester with at least double that for the same time period in welding supplies and electricity bills alone if you were learning at home. And that assumes you already have a welder.
Oh, yeah, that hurts. I'm also sensitive to sound. I haven't figured out how to watch TV so that it doesn't hurt and I can also understand the dialogue.
Yeah I think your numbers may be about 5-10 years out of date
Farscape was brilliance
Yes, they are. University tuition has an inflation curve similar to that of Disney World.
And shidding. Don't forget the shidding.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa: what did amateur radio operators ever do to you?
Is this what's meant by the null hypothesis?