[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 44 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It's in the video provided in the article. It's pretty complex and lengthy. You have to put in like 3 cheat code menu entries, then go to a level select option and hold down l1 and x, then the disk will stop, oh you had to keep your disc eject propped down so the console won't detect the tray has been opened, switch out the disc, hold like triangle and x, let go of l1, triangle and x all at the same time, then it will boot into whatever pirated disc you switched out without the checks.

I can see why it's not in the article, it's hard to accurately write down and it would be almost as long as the article itself. That said, I don't know how much of a godsend this is, it requires a copy of a pretty undersold and otherwise mediocre game. That said, I am not that into retro gaming so maybe this is truly a major change for the community.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 51 points 6 months ago

Elon Musk should get directly sued from the State of California for active sabotage of it's public infrastructure.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 42 points 9 months ago

Tencent has a minority stake in the company. Along with Sony and Kirkbi. Epic is controlled by Tim Sweeney, who has over 50% of the ownership.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 50 points 9 months ago

I have 4k hours in CSGO alone. Probably 10k hours in the whole series all together. The changes they made are far more significant than an update.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 46 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

God I hate this country. Bunch of idiots. Oh maybe the dude clearly not looking out for the countries best interest should run the country. Like he clearly is going to be convicted on several accounts from his first term. This criminal who only wants to continue ruining the country for his own profits. Who mishandled every single damn event in his presidency. Who supports white supremacy. That's who we should get to run the country. Good god Republicans maybe try to pretend you still want a free America.

Frankly I can't see how anyone on beehaw can claim they are being nice while supporting Trump. Someone clearly aiming to remove LGBTQIA+ from the country if not the world.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 38 points 10 months ago

Honestly, it's this part that really bothers me:

Take it from Cory Rodis, a professional game developer, designer, and educator with over a decade of experience in the field.

Clearly from Linkedin and Moby Games, this person does not have over a decade of experience in the field. If you count teaching as "in the field" (which to me, in the field means not teaching but actually doing.) then they have 6 years of experience. Not counting that, they have 2 years.

Also, and maybe I am out of the loop but this doesn't seem to be a semi-major internet publication to me. This is my first time hearing of it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Abrams#The_Mary_Sue this is the only information I really found on it's popularity and it seems kind of weak. Am I missing something, is it a really popular site for something like anime or comics?

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 45 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah, that makes sense. They probably can't properly support a video card they couldn't get their hands on due to Intel not shipping it until late last year. They also aren't that powerful of cards. Lastly the Intel drivers are brand new. Most engines are not treated against them, as such there are a lot of corruption bugs. Which makes sense because they weren't able to get the cards early enough to support them. Since Intel has now discontinued their flagship arc card not even a year after release it's unlikely any games will really support Intel gpus in the future.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 48 points 10 months ago

This guy is an ex-leader. There was also the current leader sentenced and the oath keepers leader sentenced last week. There are also division leaders and branch leaders. It's like there are multiple gangs and multiple sections of each gang that all have leaders.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 38 points 10 months ago

The good place. It's fairly short and starts out more of a comedy but evolves into a real ethics lesson. One that a lot of people need to hear.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 47 points 10 months ago

Good. However way you feel about piracy or Bethesda. This is stealing directly from artists and we need to protect artists and their right to make money. Which in turn is their right to live, because we live in a capitalistic society. Denying someone pay is denying them shelter, food, heat, everything. I can only hope that subsequent cases like this for smaller artists are treated similarly as important. I know that's a tall ask though. That the indie games studio losing money to bootleggers isn't going to get the same response from the Sheriff's Office.

This is at least a step in the right direction as cases like this are usually hand waved away as "well those people weren't going to buy the game anyways." or "It's just copying a file." or best of all "No real damages have been done."

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 38 points 11 months ago

No need for name calling. Everyone gets frustrated and misses things.

[-] MJBrune@beehaw.org 50 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm a game developer and honestly, you are kind of right. It makes the game more fun to be able to haul around things infinitely. A lot of game developers put in cheats specifically so they can either just spawn what they need or carry everything or both. That said, it also ruins the game incredibly well after 2 minutes of you dicking around and having fun with every item without issue.

Overall the basic issue is twofold. One, if you let the player carry everything, then some players are going to look and dig through levels to find everything. Two, Some players won't do this so you need to stock your levels with enough obvious items to keep the players who don't explore stocked enough to keep playing. If you do that then the items the exploration players are looking for are just either overpowering them or not giving them any benefits like collectibles. There is a middle ground to this and make exploration reward items different playstyles. Like in Deus Ex, a lot of exploration bonus items are stealth based. Meaning if you want to do a stealth playthrough you'll be exploring a lot and thus you'll find less ammo which is on guards or in the middle of guarded areas and you'll find more hack tools and lockpicks.

So problem solved right? But wait... Deus Ex's inventory is... exactly like REs. Why? Because the issue above was the basic issue of why to even include inventory. Now we bring in what it adds to the game. Player choice and agency. As the player, you get to pick your own path. In any game with an inventory, you are going to get to pick which things you keep and which you don't. This means you have to actively make choices according to your playstyle. In Deus Ex the question boils down to, do you take the big fuck off GEP gun or do you keep your inventory lean for lockpicks, pistols, SMGs, shotguns, and assault rifles so you can use whatever ammo you come across. In the first Deus Ex, ammo is very scarce. Thus having room for ammo and the tools to use it is very important. a GEP gun only really works on 4-6 enemies and the ammo is huge as well as the gun. Taking up around a third of the inventory, maybe more, depending on if you get inventory upgrades. This is an active playstyle choice.

Some games are simply built around inventory management, likewise, some games are built around unlimited inventory. The latest Hitman (2016-2021) series allows unlimited inventory and you can certainly build around it. The issue with Hitman is that you lose all of your inventory every time the mission ends then you can only bring select things into a mission to keep your inventory slim. It still rewards the player for exploration because now you know another path through the mission which potentially gets you another item or in a place you didn't know you could get without the right outfit. Because the missions are replayable the information you gain in one playthrough helps the next. Knowledge of that item existing in that location is enough of a reward.

@Pseu@beehaw.org mentioned that survival games need inventory management. I pose they don't. Crashlands is a survival game without inventory management and doesn't even have an inventory screen for better or worse. Inventory management, as far as I am aware, isn't a requirement of any genre. If it is then someone out there is going to try to make a game to remove it. There are also games that are solely inventory management like Save Room - Organization Puzzle. There are types of people who like inventory management and those who don't.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk! I hope this was helpful and interesting.

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