[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 32 points 1 week ago

They aren't convinced at all. It'll give them unwinnable court cases that they can use to rally their base for reelection who will be so mad their witch hunt isn't successful they won't notice the GOP fucking them from every which direction.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 35 points 4 months ago

The final straw for me was the day after the episode where Beth died aired. It was the morning after that episode aired and I hadn't had time to watch it yet, and I was scrolling through Facebook when a giant "RIP Beth" picture popped up on my main feed from the official Walking Dead account.

The official account couldn't even hold itself back from posting spoilers for 24 hours after the air date and I realized I didn't even care that the episode had been spoiled. I didn't care about the characters, or the plot or the direction the story was going.

I haven't watched anything Walking Dead since.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 34 points 4 months ago

Coming soon a quiet price hike followed by timed "discounts" at every Wendy's location.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 33 points 5 months ago

There's nothing wrong with buying early access games. You as a buyer just need to be happy with the current state of the game at the time of purchase.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 28 points 6 months ago

I can vote with my heart in the primary.

I'll vote to win in the general.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 32 points 8 months ago

I see them as "diet" cars. Similar to if someone is trying to cut back on sodas, switching to diet sodas is a net benefit. That's not to say diet sodas are good for you or remotely healthy, they're just less bad than the alternative.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 25 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

"If you try to hack a US intelligence or defence agencies and fail, you go to prison.

If you do hack the US intelligence or defence agencies and, you get a job."

My high school comp-sci teacher.

I get this was a competition in this instance though. These guys will certainly have jobs if they want them.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 26 points 11 months ago

Why wouldn't he have just stayed in power then? Shown how great he was as a ruler/leader and then chosen his successor in 2024?

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 32 points 11 months ago

And have felt super cool and like a total loser doing both.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 29 points 11 months ago

Yet he will still vote Trump if he's on the ballot in November 2024

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 39 points 11 months ago

While I'm sure the meat industry/lobbying has made sure people knew about the drawbacks of plant based meat I think there's several legitimate reasons it hasn't taken off yet. It's firmly stuck in the middle.

When compared to animal based meat plant based meat is:

  • more expensive
  • not hardly any healthier
  • doesn't taste as good

When compared to more traditional plant based protein, plant based meat it is:

  • more expensive
  • much less healthy
  • doesn't taste as good

The only benefit of plant based meat is that it's more environmentally friendly than traditional meat.

That's something that most people don't care to pay more for.

I hope R&D continues into plant-based meat as I do think that once the cost comes down below animal-based meat it will see wide adoption. Especially because the price of animal-based meat will continue to rise.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 35 points 11 months ago

I was really disappointed in these comments.

NJB has been upfront consistently about how they aren't an advocacy channel and I don't fault them for not jumping into how to fix North America's transit/urban planning issues. That's simply not a focus of their content.

I also don't blame NJB for not wanting to have that fight anymore and doing what he sees as the best move for himself and his family. Good for him.

However saying "just give up" helps absolutely no one, and completely overlooks the fact that millions of people can't simply relocate to the Netherlands like he did whether that be for monetary or personal reasons.

It's exceptionally callous and pessimistic reasoning.

There are lots of pockets across the US and NA where they're getting it right, and it's my belief there's so many more areas where people don't actually know an alternative actually exists.

Change can happen. As others have pointed out in this thread, compare Portland in the 70s to today, NYC is taking strides, cities across the country are revoking parking minimums, and hundreds of other examples show this to be true. NJBs success is built on this shift in thinking.

Change has to happen.

I believe NJB, and similar content, is crucial to getting people to realize how much better things can be if we want them to be. But it will be a slow process that will build momentum over time. There are no silver bullet solutions and no immediate answers.

For similar urbanist content that overlaps NJB, but from an urban planner based in the US I highly recommend City Beautiful


For inspiration


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