[-] MayaHorsewoman@lemmy.blahaj.zone 12 points 4 months ago

Yeah definitely I remember being totally fine watching YouTube videos on my phone speakers on my Nexus 6 and even my OnePlus 5t in the morning before school, but I have a hard time doing anything but tiktok on speakers nowadays, my p6 and my pixel 8 sound completely garbage...


After 2 years and 3 months my pixel 6 got too hot one too many times while charging and using and the battery expanded. Now I replaced it and got a pixel 8.

Now I don't want that to happen again. I know this chip gets hot when charging. And I don't mind slow charging at all, I'm used to overnight charging.

With my current setup I got a 20w cable charger and a 10w wireless one, and I want to know how to get even slower, less heating charging rates. What adapter brand is reputable, and is the slowest, battery friendliest that's still reasonable for use... If this phone also just lasts me 2 years instead of the 5 that I'm gonna get os updates I'm gonna be mad... I'm okay with a battery replacement in general after a while but that isn't really doable if the entire case is bent like it is on my P6...

With how awful my P6 is ageing I wouldn't count on it...

Me not trusting pixel phones toast more than 2-4 years is the reason I still won't buy another one. If I see people actually still use the p8 by 2030 I might buy one again.

Hab nach dem Auszug aus dem Elternhaus kaum Fleisch gekauft. Und wenn dann war es beiprodukt bei convenience Sachen. Habe dann mich erstmal dazu entschlossen vegetarisch zu versuchen und bin dann auf einen Beitrag gekommen in dem erklärt wurde dass Milch Produkte das Tierleid ebenso hoch halten wie Fleisch Produkte. Da hab ich mir dann mit der Zeit immer weniger Käse etc gekauft bis es mir dann endlich einfacher viel vegan zu bleiben.

I am involuntarily on the QPR beta (2) and all of A14's battery improvements that came to my P6 are gone again, my phone's battery life is as awful is it ever was. I lose 40% of battery life in ~ one hour of screen on time when commuting

NPC als Bezeichnung für fremde zu verwenden bedeutet im Folgeschluss dass man sich über diese stellt.

Ich hab erster Hand Leute gesehen die NPC rassistisch verwendet haben und auch welche die es Sexistisch verwendet haben. Wie es auch im Wikipedia Artikel dazu steht, hat der Begriff rechten Ursprung um sich über linke lustig zu machen. Dass rechte sich gerne über andere stellen ist nichts neues.

Jemanden als NPC zu bezeichnen geht sehr oft mit einem Überlegenheits komplex einher.

Auch das Jugendwort Kerl*In ist total absurd für mich. Ich weiß dass es von den Leuten kommt die denken dass das Wednesday frog meme immernoch witzig sei, und dass sie das Kerle darin einfach gendered haben.

Dass man wenn man in die Kommentare schaut in denen es um das Jugendwort geht aber direkt transphobe Leute sieht die trans Frauen so bezeichnen sagt auch einiges.

Ich glaube das ist nun das dritte Jahr in dem slay zur Auswahl steht? Es wird Zeit dafür.

[-] MayaHorsewoman@lemmy.blahaj.zone 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Having read the book more recently than watched the movie, but isn't this very obvious?

The electric animals are reduced to a reference in the movie while they are a really important part of the novels world building and the different characters motivation for a higher status...

Having now read the article too I gotta say it's a really weird take to say the usage of blade runner for the movie and the job deckard does is inherently better is a weird take. They are my least favourite additions from the movie actually.

The name might be easier to market but the job now being percieved as detached from the police department harms the story in my opinion.

They've shown up for me to later which made me uninstall sync and go back to jerboa

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by MayaHorsewoman@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

I get the reason for there being Ads in the sync app. I don't have the funds to pay for ultra and that's also fine.

But what I find concerning is the type of ads I see. I live in Germany for clarification and most of what I see are websites acting like news sites (right leaning at times). When I accidentally tap on them my browser immediately blocks the website for unsafe practices on their end.

Now I really don't mind the ads in apps if it's the usual app ad, random products or Amazon type of things. But I hate it when every ad is a boomer ass clickbait ad about how solar energy is definitely worse than anything else.

This is my main complaint about sync right now and it might push me to stop using it again as the ads are also very frequent...

I mean it's literally how I remembered it being a name. And it's a pretty common one too once you look for it.

I don't mind it for now and it has been more if a conversation starter than anything. Also some one line friends keep calling me mayannaise which is funny as hell to me.

With my deadname playing with the name of it in a mocking way always felt like the worst insult possible to me. With my chosen name it's fun and I take part in it... I think that's a good sign

As someone whose egg cracked very recently I am still unsure if Maya will be my final decision.

It's tough for me. The female Versions of my deadname were ones ingot bullied with my entire teen years so they have this very negative memory to them.

First I went in a direction of names I just find nice and pretty I guess. Starting with Sofia which didn't really fit my vibe, then Florence which is a really nice name but a bit too extra for me. Shortened it to Flora but that felt odd.

For two months now my gf and some friends have been calling me Maya. How did I find it? I reminded of the 3D program Maya. I remembered it's also a name. I liked the sound of it and it felt like it fit my vibe and so far that has been the case


Back in the day I was a huge TES lore nerd. And recently I've been researching some old videos I know from back in the day with my wife cause she has an interest in the lore.

Now we're watching through the old shoddycaat lore season 1 playlist right now as I remember it being amazing basic information to get into specific events from and actually kinda know what's happening.

Once we're done there what's a great way to get lore nowadays? And how does ESO play into the canon?

Since I haven't played much of ESO I don't even know what's canon and what isn't but the stories from it I know we're already established lore when the game launched. Namely the couldharbour anchors and molag bal invading tamriel with them

Diese Änderung wird wenn sie nicht geändert wird wahrscheinlich wirklich Twitter aussterben lassen.

Wenn Werbungen als Tweet zählen ist offensichtlich dass Twitter mehr Werbung schaltet um eventuelle Twitter blue subs zu bekommen. Sollten Leute weiterhin werbe Accounts blockieren oder es vermehrt tun dadurch werden Firmen mit nicht verifizierten Accounts Werbung machen.

Zählt Werbung nicht ist das Klügste seitens Twitter, so viel Werbung wie möglich einzublenden um den Nutzern das Gefühl zu geben dass 600 bzw mittlerweile glaube ich 800 tweets gar nicht so wenige sind.

Ich glaube für beide Optionen haben echt wenige eine Toleranz

2025 is still a minimum of 3 years away from TESVI

I always thought that the worst thing that could happen to skyblivion and skywind would be that tes6 releases before they are done because people will annoy them and ask for the old games to be remade with the new engine version...

Seems like that's not gonna be a problem for the teams

His video on how he became an ally and than the video where he gave the trans athlete a platform to just, tell her story? Now that's saying you're an ally, and proving it.

I loved those videos.

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