[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 1 points 10 hours ago

Ah i get it. But that tax is minimal and applies on specific hs codes. Like "additional 10% on polyester fabric shirts manufactured in that specific country"

I assumed it was applied it anyway together with the vat, it's technically possible during the ioss declaration. Maybe it's difficult to calculate for small stuff as especially clothing do the tour of the world, manufactured in Bangladesh, labeled in turkey, sent back to china for logistics

At least now everything is taxed at ~20% and china post seems stopped abusing the postal service by canceling their package service to Europe (source for that, a month ago I personally tried to send a package to myself from a Chinese post office, they said they don't do that anymore, had to fit the stuff in the luggage) so now Alibaba and similar they ship a big container to Europe with combined orders and then use local shipping

How the us is doing by having the threshold so high is insane, leaving door open to abuse. It might made sense until the 80s when international trade was limited to big imports and there was no e-commerce. In my country every single package would declare a value of 799 and nobody would pay a dime lol

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 6 points 10 hours ago

Like the far right in my country before the elections "We have the solution to fix the economy, vote for us" - without of course saying what they're going to do.

Unfortunately, majority of people believed them

Populism works, people like to vote for someone that says what they want to listen even if it's obvious that they're not going to do that

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 4 points 20 hours ago

But it's not true. The threshold now is 0€, everything needs to pay vat since one year ago. Over 150€ it just can't do the automatic ioss vat payment

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 1 points 23 hours ago

? under 150 euro the VAT is already automatically collected via IOSS, or it would be held at customs even if it's declared as gift with 0€ value.

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 6 points 1 day ago

omg i cannot state how much i hate the widgets bar, it's like they designed it on purpose to show ads&clickbait

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 3 points 1 day ago

Google dialer?

Ad free, not slow, but collecting all possible data on your calls.

I like that it's blocking the spam calls, I get 10 spam calls for each real call. Unfortunately that needs to send back to them all my phone calls with their caller id.

I hate how it shows the call log. It only shows the latest action ever for a number and doesn't even show the time. This is especially infuriating when you need to see what time someone called. For example my doctor office called to move my appointment, then when I showed up they said that wasn't true and wanted to charged me for a no-show. I wasn't able to prove immediately that they called me on which day and at which time to move the appointment because the "simplified" call log only shows the latest call action which was that I called back several days after that.

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 1 points 1 day ago

Sure but we all know that 99% of people don't change defaults.

Also, waiting for those updates that "accidentally" revert to the default

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 2 points 1 day ago

It changed my setting from disabled to enabled after the update

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 2 points 1 day ago

i have the feeling that a feature like this makes a very little money that compared to the millions that google gives to be the default is a drop in the ocean

probably this won't be enough to even pay the CEO salary

submitted 2 days ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

Wow, that's awesome! I was very sad without the clickbait articles. I was staring at Firefox thinking "i wish it had a cluttered start page with clickbait articles and sponsored content like MS Edge" - and then with this new update the devs nailed it! Thanks!

That's really perfect!

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 12 points 3 days ago

I don't understand what macron was thinking. If they got this result 3 weeks ago, rushing new elections with no time for an extended electoral campaign was going to get the same results, no?

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 17 points 4 days ago

Both on mobile and desktop there's a "login wall" but it can be dismissed by pressing on the X.

Still, it's a dark pattern that I don't like, tomorrow at work we will discuss alternatives as we subscribed (one single account shared between everyone) just for sending attachments with filelink using thunderbird - and with a "login wall" it no longer fits the purpose

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 43 points 4 days ago

Shared from a paid account or from a free account?

If shared from paid account, then tomorrow I'm going to cancel our company account as this is unacceptable, we use that for sharing files in emails (we tried to use a self hosted nextcloud but customers are too dumb to figure out how to press the download button)


(it's a tablet in a smartphone form factor, it doesn't have cellular connectivity)

For reference, android 14 was announced 6 months before the launch of this device.

It's a bit surprising that Google still allows device certification with such ancient, unsupported and vulnerable OS.

All the marketing materials don't say which CPU it's using except "Qualcomm octa core CPU" - that means nothing as the description could apply to the Snapdragon 415, which was a low end slow system on a chip released ten years ago. Maybe it could explain why they're using an ancient version of Android - the soc that they're using it's a leftover found in some warehouse and it's already unsupported by the manufacturer; they're forced to use android 11.


Cinque anni fa ho accidentalmente scordato una rata dell' IMU

Il comune ha aperto una pratica ad APRILE e... L'ha lasciata in un cassetto fino all'11 giugno, data dell'invio raccomandata.

A parte che sono abbastanza fetenti per ricordarmelo dopo tutto questo tempo, ci sono anni di sanzioni e interessi che potevo risparmiare se me l'avessero notificato 4 anni fa, ma l'intera operazione a me puzza di "ordini venuti dall'alto", come il sindaco che ha ordinato di non inviare alcun verbale finché non siano passate le elezioni.

Ma è possibile? O è solo una coincidenza che siano passati 3 mesi tra firma verbale e invio?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/caffeitalia@feddit.it

Mi si è spaccato il radiatore sul mio mezzo di trasporto privato, quindi sono andato a vedere tra i concessionari qualcosa di economico, considerando di rottamare il mio.

Avevo visto la pubblicità della panda che costa 9700 euro nuova. (Comunque ingannevole perché mostra una foto della panda cross full optional che costa quasi il doppio)

Dice il concessionario, no quel prezzo non esiste , la panda viene 16mila euro poi noi facciamo un bello sconto di 3000. Bello! Lo sconto di 3000 in realtà però lo mette lo stato...

Ho chiesto se c'era qualcosa di usato. Dice no, tutto l'usato costa più del nuovo. E mi ha portato a vedere tutte le panda usate che ha nel parcheggio col prezzo sul parabrezza. Tutte ex noleggio, 14000 se pagate in contanti o 12500 se pagate con la loro formula "96 rate + 3 anni di super Kasko" che te la farà pagare 25mila. Ehi ma due tagliandi sono in regalo! Certo perché ha senso fare i tagliandi su un'auto fuori garanzia (olio e filtri comunque te li fanno pagare)

Alla fine mi mostra la panda usata più economica che ha. (Quella in foto iniziale) Me la venderebbe a quasi 1000 euro in più di quanto sarebbe costata nuova, con 8 anni e 70mila km in più.

Sono andato via con un "ci penso" e sono andato da un altro concessionario. Stessa storia stessi prezzi

Non riesco proprio a capire la logica di questi prezzi - c'è qualcuno che compra mezzi di trasporto pagandoli così? O è "scacchi 4d" per cercare di dirottare l'acquirente a comprare un "salotto su ruote" in leasing "visto che costa poco più al mese". La panda usata in 96 rate con Taeg 8% ha una rata simile a un SUV...

submitted 1 month ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/android@lemdro.id

"please don't buy our phones"


Anche per questo Summer days qualcuno su xiaohongshu (un clone di reddit+Twitter cinese) ha postato il leak delle promozioni

Il numero prima di 🈷️ indica il mese, poi c'è il giorno


TL;DR: for a whole decade YouTube allowed a copyright troll to claim all the rights on a recording of a washing machine end cycle chime

The account of the copyright troll is still standing and it's not permanently banned

IMHO in this case YouTube should permanently ban at the first offense any copyright troll that maliciously claim as their property something that's in the public domain

Also: if it wasn't that it affected a big streamer with lots of followers, YouTube would have ignored the problem

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/reddit@lemmy.world

Google artificial "intelligence" suggested to add glue to let cheese stick to the pizza, because a decade ago user fucksmith on reddit said so

submitted 1 month ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I have friends that send me tiktok links via whatsapp and then they ask questions about it like "what do you think, scam or not". I used to open them with cookies rejected in ddg browser but now it pretends to freeze after 4 seconds of play, then it says that i must open it in the app and replaces the "play" button with a fake button that leads to google play.

I assume that there's no way to watch it anymore without an account and without the app, right?

submitted 1 month ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/android@lemdro.id

Note for Americans: here WhatsApp is the de facto communication standard. Literally nobody uses SMS/iMessage/Facebook messenger/signal. And carriers still charge 2 euro for a MMS which completely kills iMessage/RCS (if accidentally send MMS, it's expensive)

I switched phones and instead of copying manually /Android/data/media/com.whatsapp I used the new feature of pairing via qr code.

Besides that's a not very well designed feature (you need to start transfer on the old phone before logging in the new phone) because they really want to store unencrypted backups on Google drive, the transfer completed in a short time.

Maybe too fast, I was expecting at least one hour to transfer the 5000 photos 10gb, instead it completed in 20 seconds.

So I told myself, ok photos not transferred, I'll just do that manually and directly put them in the photo archive on my PC rather than keep them mixed with all the "happy holidays" trash.

I browse the old phone to /Android/data/media/com.whatsapp and... It's empty. Wiped clean after the "successful" transfer process!

Luckily I had set syncthing (the fork on fdroid, the one on play store doesn't have access to whole storage) to have a full overnight backup! On my PC I still had all the photos, almost deleted too as I noticed that I didn't set the "trash can" option

Conclusion: go to download syncthing fork from fdroid and have a safety net from mistakes like this

Olio di Sansa? (feddit.it)

Ciao avete mai provato l'olio di Sansa? Per me ho sempre preso l'extra vergine, però ho fatto un errore

Domattina vengono a trovarmi degli amici coreani che fanno un giro turistico dell'Europa (o un tour de force direi, magari potrei fare un post ulteriore domani)

Mi dicono che passano a trovarmi e se posso comprare un po' di roba per loro che la vorrebbero e non riescono a trovare il tempo per andare al supermercato. Mi mandano una lista colossale. Ho pochissimo tempo quindi invece di andare al supermercato vado al penny market. Torno a casa con 15kg di cibo mediocre e vedo che invece dell'olio extravergine ho comprato l'olio di Sansa, tanicone da 5 litri: hanno espressamente richiesto il tanicone di acciaio ed era l'unico sullo scaffale, e avevo solo 5 minuti prima della chiusura, non mi sono accorto del problema

Avete mai provato quest'olio? Quanto è terribile se usato crudo su bruschette? Meglio dire che era esaurito o faccio finta di nulla? Per confronto una volta gli diedi una bottiglia di spumante dolce e per loro era una delicatezza assoluta da finire subito a gozzate

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