It's rarely about time but rather energetic resources - whether mental or physical. Most of us have the time, but not the energy to maximize it.

This makes me think of the sunk cost fallacy. I figure they are so heavily invested at this point that they are doubling down. If they don't have Trump to back their views, they might realize being a bigot isn't cool.

Sure, but when these laws were passed they were intended to keep women down. Just like women couldn't vote or have back accounts. The fact they still exist, along with more of our rights being reduced, shows the misogynistic intent.

What does "a payment coupon as a negotiation instrument" even mean? Is it the same as "if I pay X amount of Y will you write of the rest?"

Our faulty (for the general people) systems need to be transparent and reworked. Not hidden and protecting the oligarchy and wealthy corrupt individuals who serve them.

Probably along the same lines as band camp. I'm sure there's a few "This one time..." stories.

Oh, you are a witty one. Good answer.

Skip the jam and mix peanut butter with maple syrup. Works better on pancakes but in a pinch toast will do

He just wants safe working conditions. Gotta respect that. No fighting in the shop. Just another part of the game. Learn the pattern and keep moving forward.

Difference in what: chance of pregnancy, std protection, orgasm rate/intensity, clean-up, intimacy/trust... There's a lot of variables at play and answers will vary based on every woman and her life experiences.

I'm a white straight cis-woman who hates my hair and would buzz cut if it were more socially acceptable. It's not a gender thing; it's a tactile-sensory thing. I dislike it on my neck and face and hate the cost and experience of monthly maintenance to keep a cute pixie cut. A good hairstyle (by good I mean one you feel good in) definitely matters. I'm doing my hair longer now to get it in a pony tail. Don't love it at all, but while it's was growing out I felt frumpy and depressed. I would feel more confident if I could buzz mine without this stigma. If I were more courageous I would but the last time I had it very low people were judgy and to me it's wasn't worth the reactions.

But I don't think your post is actually about the hair cut. There's a lot of feelings you both your ends on what it means and what you think it means but may not. A healthy relationship IMO needs to talk about these openly. Even if you find you're growing in different directions, if you love her, try to support her being authentic to herself. You may find your relationship can be stronger for it.

It's a combination of anticipatory and time anxieties mixed with energy conservation.

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