The Kirkland brand of hearing aids is the same as phonak. It is the same company. Sonova. The biggest two things are oing to be getting them fit by a good audiologist, and picking out a set that fits the needs of the person.
Totally agree. In the US- Real ear verification is actually required by law in several states. Unfortunately the laws about it are a little gray on details, but they at least require it.
Trial periods are also required by law in every state, but the time period varies. When I was in Texas it was 30 days, which is the minimum several states have. A few state offer longer periods.
Close, but definitely not 30% volume. When we fit hearing aids a good audiologist would have asked you if you already wear hearing aids and other questions to know if we need to enable a very specific feature. Each brand calls it something different, but it is generally called "first time user adaptation." It let's us set an initial decrease percentage (normally 60-70% of the prescription volume) and we can then set a 'target time' of normally about 2 or 3 weeks, maybe 4 or 5 if they are extra old. Then the hearing aids will slowely turn up on their own over the time set. In the end, the person is as 100% volume and they shouldn't have noticed. You can still do your own personal temp volume changes in the app and it doesn't interfere with the progressive steps.
A good audiologist will then typically have you come back in 2 weeks, then a month, then at 6 months, then annually or as needed. Each appointment they should be checking several things and asking about the sound and volume levels and such, but specifically we can see where you are adjusting the volume to on average. Most manufacturers let us then just take your average adjustments and apply them to the prescription. So if you are turning it down 3 db on average every day, or if you just cut a little bass or push a little more treble, we can see that and just apply it to be permanent. This is why we encourage people to use the app as much as possible.
Now, all of this is also dependent on the person wearing the hearing aids all day. We get a lot of old people that insist they only need to wear them in very specific situations and then wonder why they never get used to them. It is always fun the first time the person finds out we can see how long the hearing aids are on every day. So they are like "yeah I totally wear them for a few hours every day. 4 or 5 hours, easy" then we tell them they are actually averaging about an hour.
It's worse than you think. Last week we got an email that looked like strait up fishing spam demanding that we were to email back "yes" confirming that we got the email. So many people even reported it as spam that we had supervisors have to directly tell us that it was legit. Then they sent out a second email with a warning that is was in fact legit and to respond to that email with "yes" if we got that one.
On the back end at OPM: Musk forced his way in and demanded to redo the email servers. The IT told him it wasn't possible for what he was asking. So he brought in his own goons to install a non government server with unknown software and unknown security configurations and they plugged it into the OPM network to spoof it as an official OPM server, then sent out those emails.
And sure enough, the idiot didn't didn't configure the security correctly or let official government IT people touch it, it ended up backdooring into the entire government HR system, and it had every active government email that responded "yes" to his stupid email that we were required to. And now we know it was compromised. There is no telling what foreign governments now have all of that info as well as what other backdoors they have installed.
I did some looking around. Looks like I was a factor of 10 off. As in- not 1% but 0.1% and that could be sustained for millions of years
Other estimates suggest that harnessing just 0.1% of the Earth’s heat could supply the world’s total energy needs for two million years>
There is also a great pdf over at under their geothermal - world energy council that is a little old but still points out the math on just how immense the energy output of earth is. We could each run our own small AI data center on geothermal power and the earth would still have extra. And we are only talking about tapping into the very top of the crust.
I can't find where I read it, but I remember it being something like: if all of humanity consumed the same amount as an energy hungry American and then doubled it while getting all of its power from geothermal then we have almost tapped 1% of the crusts potential, rounding up.
Am I the only one who read the paper? All the comments are like: it's only mice.
They did it in 6 different breeds of knockout mice, rats, and beagles -as in the best dog model for cancer translation to humans. They are well passed the threshold needed to show strong potential in people.
Other comments: it's new and experimental
They have been working with it for years now and have shown efficacy down to a single dose. That is what this paper is about. They had previous tests with the compound, then with decreasing doses, and now this paper will it down to a single dose.
Other comments: there is no way this is real
Of the 9 primary authors, 4 are on NIH grants. I'm taking a wild guess no one here has had to fill one of those out, but they take about a month of solid writing and submitting evidence as to why your thing should get funded due to the shortage of scientific funding, then it gets reviewed by several rounds of blinded experts in the field to evaluate if you have any merit to what you are talking about, then you have to submit regular updates to show that you aren't just pissing away tax dollars. On top of that, this was done out of a lab at the university of Illinois urbana-champaign, meaning you also have university funds mixed in so you have them checking in on you. Then they also had a state cancer research grant, adding more oversight.
How real is it? If you read the paper you would have seen they were using human tumors grown in the mice. This is a very well established cancer testing method. The downfall in their model, as they pointed out, is using NSG and athymin mice. These are immunocompromised mice. They bring up how with the necrotic cell death in the tumor (from the drug working ironically so well and so fast) that they don't know how human immune systems will respond to it and that is kind of their next direction of the research.
Read the full abstract, then at least read the discussion section near the end if you want to get a better understanding of what is going on. Then if you are still interested, go back up to the intro and read through from there till you can't any more.
Mid 2010's Acer Aspires were the best! I still have mine and it is still going strong. Upgraded hdd to solid state, maxed out the ram only 2 years ago, new battery, and am on my third windows wipe. It is still running strong and hasn't even hit the level of needing Linux to survive. My Trac pad is a little sad to look at and I burned out the USB port on one side. Other than this thing is still doing everything I need a laptop to do, plus some low requirement gaming. I bet it still has another 3-4 years in it, easy. The best sustainable is reducing consumption, and this unsuspecting hero has made it possible for me!
But also yes, when it dies I will probably also be getting a framework...
This is a double edged sword. You are protecting homeowners from predatory behavior, sure. But also delaying those who simply want to cash out and say fuck this.
This is also LA's chance to go into these areas and build high density, high efficiency housing with fire resistant materials and prevent future issues like this while also providing some relief to the housing issues in the area and showing how energy efficiency is the future of construction. Unfortunately these homes are going to be rebuilt as fast as possible for the families to move back in as fast as possible and they will use whatever is the cheapest and most accessible materials to make it happen. And this protection does nothing to stop that, and if anything encourages it by blocking the sales and pushing for individual rebuilds.
With climate change pushing these fire to happen more often, this disaster that could be at least mitigated. Policy like this will only push for a future cycle of rebuild the same way followed by burning down the same way. And it is the poor and middle class footing the bill to the insurance companies charging whatever they want, knowing it is going to keep happening.
For recoil I can tell you from experience, not much. A lot of the time we would not use the shoulder stop, but would be pushing down really hard on the top and pull down on the front grip,,and pin it onto the gunners turret shield and even then it wouldn't kick back like it did on this guy. This dude was basically limp wristing it with both hands and not using the shoulder stop, then bitching about the gun being the issue.
Jobs at gyms, hotels, or garbage companies, all have showers at their job sites. The hotels are a little bit harder, pending on policy and how easy going the managers are. Hotels also normally have continental breakfasts that you can pick off of. And garbage collectors normally make bank for how easy the job is.
Construction sites are normally a decent bet to find work, but many of the bigger companies have started to go more corporate with their hiring processes. For a quicker hire, find the smaller construction companies.
Alternatively, cooks and dishwashers rarely go hungry at the right jobs.
Then there is always the long commitment jobs out there: oil and gas, or military. They both take time to set up and get started in, but once you are in they will both set you up for several years or a full career if you choose.
I truly feel for you. It sucks to be in the situation you are in. I understand. Hit up the food banks and know where the warming centers are for the cold nights.
You were so right, let me tell you about it. If you can't stop the entire genocide, then don't stop it at all. If you can't stop all of climate change, then don't take any steps to stop any of it. If you can't end poverty or income inequality then you shouldn't even help the starving.
What a cunt.