[-] NIB@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I replied there.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You won’t hear this often in mainstream media but NATO expansionism

Dont sovereign countries have the right to join alliances? Would you support the US invading Mexico if Mexico joins a chinese led alliance? Would you support a cuban invasion during the Cold War for similar reasons?

the involvement of neo-nazi far right paramilitary groups in the Maidan revolution in Ukraine were legitimate grievances for Russia.

Putin is also supported by neo-nazis. The premiere russian military organization in Ukraine was named Wagner. What is your argument here? Shitty people follow shitty ideologies. You fight with the people you have, not with the people you want to have. This is problematic but it isnt as if Ukraine was left with many alternatives.

Ukraine is not that different to Russia in the end. Both have insane corruption issues and both have neonazis. Neither is an excuse to invade anyone or to not help the victims of an invasion.

Russia’s resources are vast and they are supported by China. Ukraine is backed by the deep pockets of NATO.

Russia has the gdp of Italy. Russia is big in terms of geographical area but not really in terms of economy. If you think Russia has vast resources, wait till you find out about the resources the West has. It's all about political will.

And China doesnt really support Russia, at least not in terms of military help, at least not for the moment. China supports Russia as much as Turkey supports it, ie it facilitates trade and takes advantage of Russia's lack of alternatives when it comes to trading.

Over half a million troops on both sides have been killed

Casualties are not dead. It is dead+injured.

A diplomatic solution three years ago could have possibly prevented all that.

What diplomatic solution would have prevented Russia from invading? Should have the West pre-emptively sanctioned and cut off Russia from the world economy in order to prevent the invasion? Should the West have said "ok, we wont let Ukraine join NATO and EU"? Should countries not have the right to choose what they do?

Even during the early stages of invasion, Macron legitimately thought he could stop it, he still wanted to keep the bridge with Russia alive. Go back and read some articles. Now Macron is one of the most anti-Russia politicians in the world? Why? Because he eventually realized that there was no alternative and that Putin was bullshitting him the whole time.

In Russia's mind there are 2 types of countries, sovereign countries where rules do not apply to (the US, China, Russia) and minor countries that are just following what their "master" country tells them. It is inconceivable to the russian mind that 2 countries could freely associate with each other. Hence the whole "NATO expansion" narrative. As if NATO tanks marched in and forced those countries to join it.

The exact opposite happened actually. Eastern Europe was so afraid even after the USSR collapse, that some of them blackmailed NATO to let them join. Poland literally threatened to get their own nukes if they werent allowed to join NATO.

Ask yourself, why would all eastern european countries want to join NATO? Your answer is the Ukraine invasion. They wanted to join because they didnt want to be like Ukraine is now.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 22 points 1 day ago

So invade your country, grab a few parts, then we have a ceasefire and a diplomatic solution where i keep the land that i already got. And then i repeat it. Is this a "pro-peace" stand? Or is it a "pro-conquering" stance, that enables this behaviour?

Would he have the same opinion about nazi Germany invading and conquering other countries? Maybe a peace for our time kind of deal?

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Greeks living in current western Turkey were called Ionians.


They were mostly athenean settlers, which is why when Persia conquered them, they asked Athens for help. Athens helped them but the ionian revolt failed and Persia was super pissed. The persian emperor had his servant reminding him daily to "remember the athenians".

This is the main reason behind the persian invasion of mainland Greece. The persians burnt Athens to the ground, which eventually led to Alexander the OK burning Persepolis(Persian Empire's Capital) to the ground(a couple centuries later).

Since turks came from the East, Ionians were kinda the first greeks they met, so they decided that all greeks are Ionians(Yunans). Or other non greeks in the East were already calling greeks "yunans" and turks just adopted that terminology too. Especially since that term had been mostly depreciated by the time the turks arrived to the neighbourhood.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Most of Sicily was a greek and Syracuse was a greek colony. In fact Archimedes helped defend it against the romans. Most of southern Italy was greek, before Rome became big(and conquered other italians, greeks and carthaginians).


And even after the romans conquered "everything", greek culture was still dominant since the romans were greekaboos(and greek culture was everywhere because of Alexander the OK).

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

An ai can help a lot of non tech savvy people. Imagine every time they want to do something, they could just ask the ai on how to do it, instead of asking you or having to go through a billion SEO garbage google results.

submitted 1 week ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

The death toll from a series of brazen attacks on churches and synagogues in Russia's mainly Muslim region of Dagestan rose to 20 on Monday after gunmen went on the rampage in coordinated attacks in two of the republic's most important cities.

submitted 1 month ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

French President Emmanuel Macron is making a surprise trip to New Caledonia, the French Pacific territory that has been gripped by days of deadly unrest and where indigenous people have long sought independence.

submitted 1 month ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

Authorities in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia announced a two-day curfew and banned gatherings on Tuesday after violent unrest on the archipelago with decades of tensions between indigenous Kanaks seeking independence and colonizers’ descendants who want to remain part of France.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 48 points 2 months ago

If the cars run over people while going 30kmh because they use cameras and a bug crashed into the camera and that caused the car to go crazy, that is not acceptable, even if the cars crash "less than humans".

Self driving needs to be highly regulated by law and demand to have some bare minimum sensors, including radars, lidars, etc. Camera only self driving is beyond stupid. Cameras cant see in snow or dark or whatever. Anyone who has a phone knows how fucky the camera can get under specific light exposures, etc.

Noone but tesla is doing camera only "self driving" and they are only doing it in order to cut down the cost. Their older cars had more sensors than their newer cars. But Musk is living in his Bioshock uber capitalistic dream. Who cares if a few people die in the process of developing visual based self driving.


submitted 2 months ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.

submitted 2 months ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

A yellow-orange haze of dust from the Sahara desert has blanketed parts of Greece, creating spectacular scenes and prompting authorities to issue health warnings.

submitted 2 months ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he is considering a request from Australia to drop the decade-long US push to prosecute the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for publishing a trove of American classified documents.

submitted 2 months ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world

Authorities in the Russian Republic of Chechnya have announced a ban on music that they consider too fast or slow.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by NIB@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.world

The two leaders were a few hundred metres away when the port of Odesa was struck in lethal attack

submitted 4 months ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.world

Health authorities in Gaza said on Thursday Israeli fire on people waiting for aid near Gaza City had killed 104 Palestinians and wounded 280, with one hospital saying it had received 10 bodies and dozens of injured patients.

A spokesperson for Israel's military said there was no knowledge of shelling at that location. The military later said dozens of people were hurt as a result of pushing and trampling when aid trucks arrived in northern Gaza.

An Israeli source said troops opened fire at "several people" in the crowd who posed a threat to them.

submitted 4 months ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Videogame maker Electronic Arts (EA.O) , opens new tab said on Wednesday it would reduce 5% of its workforce, as the industry struggles to grow amid high interest rates.

The company expects to incur about $125 million to $165 million in charges as part of the restructuring plan that also includes a reduction in real estate.

submitted 4 months ago by NIB@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.world

Greece Monday formally agreed to participate in and lead a European Union maritime security operation in the Red Sea to protect commercial shipping from attacks by Houthi militants in Yemen.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 48 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Italy's? Dont you mean Greece's? Italians(romans) were just wannabe greeks, greekaboos. Literally every aspect of roman society is copied from the greeks. And luckily for us, greeks were one of the first people who started writing down shit, in a language we can understand, so there is no reason to go further back.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 42 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I feel the internet is kinda going overboard with the opposite. Not every ancient relationship between 2 men was sexual and even if it was, bisexualism is a thing too. Say no to bi-erasure.

Iliad literally starts with Achilles arguing with Agamemnon over female slaves(Chryseis and Briseis) and who gets to keep who. And it was because of this, that Achilles refused to participate in the fighting from then on(also because he was OP as fuck and the game devs needed a reason to keep him on the sidelines, kinda like Superman dying in the Justice League).

And it wasnt till Patroclus(Achilles' friend/boyfriend) took Achilles' armor in order to help the losing greeks(raise morale thinking Achilles was fighting again) and then died to Hector, that Achilles went on his angry superman killing spree. Here is a rare video of Achilles after Hector killed Patroclus


Also ancient greeks wrote about their potentially sexual relationship but ultimately, this whole story was a myth. This was "ancient history" for the ancient greeks of classical Greece, something that happened almost 1000 years ago. And there was a "dark era" in between Mycenaean Greece(Iliad) and Classical Greece(Athens and Sparta bullshit), that we dont know much about.

History, as we know it(ie the writing down of actual historical facts) only became a thing during Classical Greece. Herodotus, the "father of history", sometimes was accused by his contemporaries of embellishing his stories, "content brain" was a thing even then.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by NIB@lemmy.world to c/videos@lemmy.world

As we head into 2024, let's take a moment to look back at the events that have shaped this year.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 48 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Tankie has been a thing for over half a century. The Soviets used tanks(from other countries) to invade and crush antisoviet revolutions/protests in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

This was considered shocking for some communists and other leftists while some communists supported those actions. Those who supported this "intervention" were called tankies, in order to differentiate them from the non tank invasion supporting communists.

In Greece(my country), which was in the "West", this event caused the split of the greek communist party(KKE) into 2 separate parties, KKE(Moscow controlled tankies) and KKE "interior"(weak ass soy communists who cant stomach the use of tanks in order to create a better tomorrow).

KKE "interior" kinda eventually became SYRIZA which surprisingly won the elections in 2015(breaking the 2 party status quo). Then the EU decided that the greek people decided poorly and punished them. So when the greek people decided correctly(elected a right wing government), the EU rewarded them. Carrots and sticks make the world go around. Thats how you make a majority leftist country, into a right wing one.

PS Greek debt is as high as it has ever been but Greece issued negative interest bonds. Tell me again how is the economy supposed to work? Noone talks about the greek debt anymore, it's a non issue, Greece has been accepted into the EU's infinite money glitch scheme.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 57 points 11 months ago

Because keeping a low profile is how they can manage to survive in a homophobic society. Everyone is grandstanding while living in liberal western societies, ignoring how hard things are for less fortunate people.

[-] NIB@lemmy.world 69 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The weirdest thing about this whole antivaxx movement is that it has spread to Europe too. Greece has conscription, so 90%+ of greek males have served in the greek military. And almost all of them got vaccinated with a trillion vaccines, including ones against gozzila(you can never be too safe). And thats on top of whatever vaccines babies usually receive.

Noone complained about it. There was some antivaxx movement before but with covid, everyone went crazy with the vaccines. Suddenly vaccines were evil, noone knew what they had in them, it's a global conspiracy. Everyone became a vaccine expert.

America needs to stop exporting their brain rot, we already have enough on our own.

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