[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 47 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

A lot of people you read about who grew to be leaders in their field by some ridiculous age like 25, spoke fluently in 5 different languages, etc. etc. did so because they had three things: dedicated one-on-one tutors, an appreciable collection of slaves and/or other general servants to free up their personal time, and enough family wealth to pay for both from the time they could walk.

Mozart was composing as a toddler, but he also came from a wealthy family of musicians that taught him basically nothing else. Ever. That was the one thing. He hyper-specialized in music and socially he was the guy that got bored and did cartwheels and meowed in public. If Mozart was in your position, with the kind of loving care and finances most students have today, he would have been the kid in class who beatboxes over the teacher.

I'm actually still coming to terms with this myself. with mixed success. I've always loved art, but I've never been where I want to be. I've been making strides again, but the further I take it, the more it becomes apparent that 90% of the problems I've ever had with it were not me, they were because no one ever bothered to teach me. And I'm pissed about the decades I lost simply because child me was never shown concepts that would have changed everything.

Do not judge your own accomplishments on the same scale as someone who had ample time to devote to their studies because their family had house slaves doing everything you have to do by yourself.

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 43 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The last video any guy shared with me was about a dude from the early 1900s who got trapped in a cave and died. It was unexpectedly riveting.

I haven't considered how I could turn that against them, but I do feel resourceful and I'm not as afraid of holes as I should be

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 42 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I was up at an Airbnb in Boston years ago and I still very much remember one entire third of the bed I was given being covered in different throw pillows. It was bad enough to actually be funny, and more intrusive irl than the photo I had to take would have you believe. Where the photo cuts off is the edge of the mattress.

I had to move them every night in order to go to sleep, and put them back every morning when I made the bed. I counted. There were sixteen of them. Everyone else's beds were the same way.

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 61 points 9 months ago

My problem is my cat likes me too much. She's such a big fan of me that she'll accept things from me that she turns her nose up at if anyone else offers, and this list accidentally includes things like cornbread and orange juice.

Cats are so famous in their hatred of citrus that it's commonly used and marketed as a cat repellent. This fucker is over here voluntarily drinking my orange juice purely because she saw me drinking it and she wants to be like me.

I'm honestly pretty sure I could just hand feed her medicine at this point and it wouldn't even be a fight.

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 48 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Well, they kinda do. They don't have to be human to look like users from the outside.

Looking at this screams that they're planning to cut and run, though. It's arson for the insurance money. Nobody would look at this longterm and think it was going to turn out well

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 42 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'd believe it if I hadn't already heard of Musk being the type to fire workers in his line of sight at pure random simply to fire someone. It apparently got so bad that aids would plan the route he would take to the meetings around having as few victims as possible out in the open.

It would be a smart move for anyone, and he is succeeding to a good extent (they'll just go elsewhere?), but I think that's just a happy accident of his. I feel like he's really just using it as a chew toy so he can feel all big and important with the headlines. If he were being journalistically gray rocked, I wonder what he'd do.

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 61 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm opening up a rival called "social media." Already, we're on everyone's lips, set to have a userbase spanning half the web.

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 49 points 11 months ago

So as obviously not a diver, is it normal to refer to the north and south pacific individually? Because that feels like padding to me

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 59 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Bringing back r/place (which has been an April fools thing up until now) is just such a hollow grab for traffic it is pretty sad. To me, the state of the canvas itself (less the FUCK SPEZ everywhere and more how tiny the LGBTQ+ sections are compared to previous iterations) is a reflection of how badly they have poisoned many of the communities that made the site great in the first place.

According to one of my discord servers, the available pallet this year is eight whole colors, including black and white. Possible that in addition to the exodus of LGBT members, there aren't as many presentations because you simply can't even make a lot of the flags with what they've been given. They've made bisexuality and lesbianism impossible to depict.

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 48 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Ah, reddit comment bots. Now with...Boomhauer?

For nobody wondering, I'm gonna go with lolno. Moving away from reddit means I'm moving away from reddit, not screaming profanities on their front lawn at 3am like a drunken ex trying to prove how much I don't need them.

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 43 points 1 year ago

Lmfao. Well, thanks for the free PR, I'm sure, because some poor secretary in his office knows there isn't jack shit they can sue over.

Not that I'm ever going to pretend to like Meta, but having competition is supposed to be the definition of his precious free market. There's even rules and everything about monopolies. Can't take issue with that unless he's ready to declare himself not a capitalist.

[-] Nepenthe@kbin.social 50 points 1 year ago

I think this is really what it is. I've spent a lot of my time here enamored with the quality of conversation, and when I joined it reminded me of the sort of discussion I used to scroll through on forums when I was a kid.

I hadn't seen it since, and I'd gotten so used to the bullshit that I barely remembered the difference. I'd really just chalked up the civility to the forum in question being several dozen regulars who knew each other too well to be dicks.

We need more content, but it's making me kind of averse to pushing so hard to get the rest over here, lest they just bring the shit behavior with them

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