They just released photo backups on android
I have mint unlimited as well and can stream YouTube just fine at full resolution. I didn’t even know there was a supposed resolution limitation.
Edge's vertical tabs and splitscreen are killer features that I cannot replicate without issues on firefox or chrome.
Haven’t had a single crash since early access.
For me, it was hard because the button mapping made it incredibly difficult for me to sprint and jump. I cannot remember if BOTW was the same or different. I played through that just fine. Maybe I am just getting older.
Just an FYI, minors CAN enter into contracts. It is true infancy imparts a lack of capacity. However, minors can still enter contracts. They are voidable at the election of the minor party until a reasonable time after reaching the age of maturity unless the contract is for necessities, then it is not voidable.
TMP and Insurrection are great Star Trek films! Insurrection is arguably the most TNG of the TNG movies.
You can support it by buying physical or digital copies as well.
By the same token you can not support business practices. When my term is up I will cancel p+ and just buy the shows i want to watch instead.
Absolutely the best Star Trek book. I wish he had written more but understand it was a bookend for his character.
For me, more content while we can have it is never a bad thing. If we don’t like it we don’t have to rewatch it. But I’d rather risk it for a chance at another great story with characters I love.
But I know I am in the minority. Heck, I even enjoyed Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Edge. Only way I found to easily send websites to and from my surface.
Why I didn’t say will but should. But your emphasis is apt.