[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 8 points 16 hours ago

I'd appreciate a third panel where both the human male and the opossum are screaming

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

I haven't lived.

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

No, that's lazy thinking.

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 57 points 4 weeks ago

Is this not the type of action that has put others on the sex offender registry?

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 25 points 1 month ago

Ha, this guy's mum doesn't handle his dick!

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 33 points 5 months ago

My best case scenario has a trebuchet for them

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 28 points 7 months ago

I'm no fan of this idiot, but this is effectively him saying "yes I flew on the Epstein plane once, actually it was twice".

I'd rather have people admit to being on the plane and press for the release of logs.

The whole article is a clear hit piece now that he's gone independent and his votes are more likely to come from Trump's pie slice rather than biden's, he's no longer the darling of the right.

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 43 points 7 months ago

List their names out please

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 25 points 8 months ago

Usually you can target a glowing area that only becomes visible when it roars

[-] Numenor@lemmy.world 38 points 11 months ago

A fellow had just been hired as the new sysadmin of a large high tech corporation. The sysadmin who was leaving met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes. "Open these if you run up against a problem you don't think you can solve," he said.

Well, things went along pretty smoothly, but six months later, there a major DoS attack against the infrusture and he was really catching a lot of heat. About at his wit's end, he remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, "Blame your predecessor."

The sysadmin went to his superiors and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous admin because of bad security. Satisfied with his comments, management responded positively, he sorted it all out, got the servers running again and the problem was soon behind him.

About a year later, the company was again experiencing a major outage, combined with serious hacking problems. Having learned from his previous experience, the sysadmin quickly opened the second envelope. The message read, "Blame the cloud hosts." This he did, and the company quickly rebounded.

After several consecutive months of no downtime, the servers once again acted up. The admin went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope.

The message said, "Prepare three envelopes."

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