Pretty mind-boggling collection of mistakes if it does end up being him
Sending the National Guard in to intimidate BLM protestors in 2020 was just an appetizer I guess
Of course he's an athlete, he has incredible lung capacity
Vincent van Gogh to the polls
These kids must be in a Maoist English dual immersion program. Good for them
Individually, the average person uses 127 rolls each year,
You people use an entire roll of TP every three days?
Eco-friendly toilet paper company Who Gives A Crap is behind a new study
that a toilet paper company ran an honest study on this issue tbqh
American healthcare is coming to the UK
battening down the hatches before the climate crisis really kicks off mass migration across the globe
I have just been informed by the Texas Rangers that I am being drafted to fight against the northern aggressors. I'll be a crewman in the Whataburger Regiment
Sources confirm that elite Navy Seals units, whose members have been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and have over 300 confirmed kills, have been deployed to the Middle East in response to rising tensions in the region.
Liberal Elmo strikes again