Removing my white tee to eat a marinara dinner shirtless
I used to work at a nonprofit that helped refugees find housing in the US in an area where the early anti-vax movement really started taking off. I remember the refugees being fucking ASTOUNDED that Americans were refusing to vaccinate their kids against diseases that were still a dangerous threat in their home country
They act as if every business major in this country weren't spoonfed "mandatory" capitalist training by reading Adam Smith and the like
Silver Legion jumpscare
Western media only measures military success by how many civilians are killed
How detached is the UN at its headquarters or its offices in the Global North from its agencies in the field like UNRWA? I find it unbelievable that Israel keeps killing UN staff in these bombings on Palestinians and somehow UN staff aren't revolting. I know the UN is exactly as toothed as its veto countries want it to be, but if my coworkers kept getting killed by my boss I don't think I'd be sitting on my hands
Nice argument, but I have depicted you as the disheveled critic of genocide
a Reddit commenter analyzed
crybullying at its finest
'waaah waaah the big mean protestors (protesting what? we won't say, teehee) are FORCING us to ruin their lives! never mind we could easily avoid the so-called escalations by meeting their demands,'
Love too respect the liberal rules-based international order and bomb another country's consulate
Vietnam War Veteran baseball cap but it's for this guy's time served committing petty arson at a post office