Every generation has dipshits man. I know broke Millennials who even now try to hold onto BMWs they can't afford to maintain or fuel, just for the clout
I mean AH clearly love this game as much as we do and want it to be a good time for us all, I think they just get that sort of standoffish fatigue when folks constantly bitch and moan about bigs everyone found a week before
As if spaghetti code can be straightened over night
We kinda accidentally figured out how to survive tho. Since it's a 380 surrounding the player. Of the team stays together/heavy armour/don't move around too much (Ragdolls happen) you should be able to just walk right through it
I see you've sat in on my games before
You can say there's probably no more treasuuuuure
Life is conflict. We need to be ready to fight for the rest of our lives. If not for us, for our kids....or rather after this.... Our grandkids. It's bullshit but if anything, I have more purpose now than I ever did. Fixing this shits gonna take decades
This is so goddamn cool
I want you guys to know, this is easily the coolest lemmy thread IV ever seen
Normal happy healthy person here. Money helps ALOT, parents were abusive but I worked past it and they got help. Can confirm allergies CAN just pop up as you get old. Thanks for nothing coffee allergy!
Not to mention all four of these guys are pretty lonely. Except Big Boss, he kidnaps new friends when the old ones run out