At a friend's place? They also have prepared meals that I was going to take anyways. If that was their concern why didn't they simply say so?
Surprisingly it was Fort York
I'm not sure if anyone is profiencient enough to make this arm on a hobbyist sub. These aren't easy to make. And even if someone can, there's no guarantee that they will do that for free. And I would still need to find someone to install the arm for me so it's not a bad idea but idk how viable it would be
Haha no pressure man I'm in Canada. If you're buying a steam account tho let me know 👀
Sent a message. Thank you bro.
Huh? Is imgur bad
Huh? Haha I'll bump you too man
They've blocked my contact and it was due to my sexual orientation so it's pretty terminal at the moment. I'm an adult, 19
No longer have a working phone plan but before they kicked me out I tried calling a few shelters. I guess they're all full because it's the winter so everyone wants in.
Whos getting kicked out?