[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 18 points 4 weeks ago

You left out eradication from climate change or biodiversity loss. Not instant, but an even less zero chance. Quite likely, in fact.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 20 points 1 month ago

We can currently choose between:

  • climate change causing drought, heat, rain, flooding and storms with hail or tornados;
  • biodiversity loss preventing pollinating our food and capturing carbon (see climate change);
  • nuclear war in a politically unstable world;
  • tyrannic forms of government threatening our freedom;
  • underpaid slave labour in a capitalistic society, also threatening our freedom;
  • no way to divert that incoming meteor;
  • business as usual causing the next pandemic;
  • more old than young people leading to less care and less work altogether;
  • AI taking over the world;
  • any mix of the above leading to a collapse of society. Feel free to expand.
[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 33 points 2 months ago

Just go eat plant-based all together, so we won't have these problems that endanger the existence of life on our planet. Including humans.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 14 points 3 months ago

Where are their muskets?

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 14 points 4 months ago

This train of thoughts (lol) can keep you healthy, but the risks involved are rather slim. Better to be afraid of mayonnaise and French fries I guess.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 17 points 4 months ago

Veganism is good for climate, biodiversity, health and animal welfare. We really don't need to eat animals or animal products to have good meal and live a happy life. The good thing is that humans are omnivores, with a free choice of what to eat. Please choose wisely, not only for your own mental and physical health, but also for others, living now as well as in years to come.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 36 points 8 months ago

Can't imagine that extraterrestrial aliens would be more weird than what is population our oceans.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Let's hope that the rest of the school takes on the same hair dress, just for support.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago

Hardest part of running is not running too fast, even when you can. It's a recipe for injury. Instead, let your body grow into running, which initially takes a couple of years to grow your tendons and bones, which is not really finished, ever: you can always improve. I only learned to take it easy after 40, only then having the peace of mind of just enjoying running, instead of wanting to be at the next crossing, the next bridge or the next footpath. Just to enjoy the running that you do and reach all the landmarks while just running along. Doing a race once in a while will help to keep the training on a lower intensity, but it will always remain difficult not to run too fast. Injuries will be just around the corner if you're not careful.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 17 points 11 months ago

When only the bad things of something are reported it is biased by default. Better to have a more balanced story, which will probably be more boring because of that. A lot of people would then not be interested anymore because of the lack of controversy.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 23 points 11 months ago

Too bad the police and politicians do not recognise the threat that the warming climate is bringing. Now they're just locking up the messenger, equivalent to putting fingers in your ears. And then getting angry when concerned people take those fingers out. Hopefully this protest movement will grow, so that their voice can no longer be neglected.

[-] PetteriSkaffari@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago

Not acceptable at all. But bringing a cat would be just fine.

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