The industrial revolution and its consequences have b
Yep, this is originally a righty post. That's why I'm so confused that it's actually kind of based. The rough consensus here is that it's based, so we have bi-partisan support. Let's get this on the Congress floor!
In the more fortunate situation, yes
I'm not American either, but I'm suggesting anyway
Is that for or against? Do we want extra states or an "I told you so" more? Genuinely difficult question.
Ah. Well, a short victory, I think, would have been a decisive blow to Russia. I think that could even have lead to a regime-change. I definitely don't like the idea that so many people should suffer to weaken the enemy. Giving Ukraine much more to begin with would have showed Russia not to fuck with its neighbours. If that's what the original commenter meant, I definitely understand their point of view.
Not everyone voted for Orange Mussolini yk
I'm not American either lol
Maybe you're right and the second one is yet to make his attempt and fail.
It's part of the appeal tbh