As surprise to absolutely no-one. Me buying a Samsung panel with tizen on it one of my bigger regrettable purchases in my home theater life.
So lazyness is the real answer. ;) This is fair enough, to be sure, but logically I continue to have problems with it when looking solely at the wife factor.
My wife sets nothing up, that's my area of expertise. My wife's a user. This is true for Jellyfin but also things like our home automation that she very much enjoys but has no clue to how I made work on a technical level. She just taps things in the Home Assistant app as desired and things happen.
I would also argue setting up Jellyfin, though more a complex proposition as Plex, is a lot easier then setting up things like an *arr strack or ripping the media you eventually play back with it.
Plex does very little in a vacuum so despite it being easier to set up, it would be equally unlikely she ever would.
So far I've had no problems using jellyfin on basicly anything that exists in my house which includes a Apple TV, Xbox SX and a Xiaomi TV Box S.
But I can see there's probably no Tizen app for things like Samsung TV's.
I use Pop!_Os currently. Also has an "nvidia distro" and have a comparable experience of it mostly "just working".
Okay, but what would you like him to elaborate on, other than showing you that the Tesla is fooled by a road runner type mural, fog and dense rain?
How much more info other than just "car didn't stop" (where other car did stop) do you need to be convinced this is a problem?
Setting jellyfin up is for the technically inclined, i'll agree there, but once deployed I don't really see where Plex fundamentally excels over Jellyfin when it comes to "the wife factor"?
You open the app, app shows library, you click on desired media item, desired media item plays. What am i missing?
I think all this news about people seeming arbitrarily being detained by ICE is already making people want to steer way clear of anything US right now.
Likely something to do with English being a secondary language to the vast majority of the world...
I can't choose an absolute favorite, that's like choosing a favorite child.
It's a toss up between the Mass Effect Trilogy, Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher (in partiuclarly 3) and (most) of Fallout games (but in particular 1 and 2).
If you were to put a gun to my head I'd probably pick either Mass Effect Trilogy or Cyberpunk 2077, probably based on what game i've played for the millionth time most recently.
I love how in a world where we banned straws we are somehow OK with Microsoft pushing people to recycle their old but otherwise adequate system for what, to the vast majority of people, are some paper thin security advantages.
Anybody who asks me about Windows 10's EOL date will be introduced to the option of using Linux before i'll help them select a replacement system. Especially if they literally only use a browser there really is no reason to go through hoops or spend money to stick with Windows.
People choosing to stay in the workforce until they almost tip over is great if that's what they want. There's definitely something to be said for keeping some sort of structure. If seen retirement degrade way too many people.
Being forced to stay in the workforce needs to die a swift death.
Not sure where this is coming from but people are not only refused entry. People are detained. Even with valid documentation, evidently.
Germany also revised their travel advisories to reflect the fact you can basically arbitrarily be detained.
They don't issue these kinds of advisories for countries with normal visa procedures where nothing of note happens...
Your rant seems somewhat out of place.