Yeah. Russia is really targeting Germany since they were looking to take up the leadership role. Maybe France now?
Don't call me pal, buddy.
Yup. This is quiet firing. Companies are trimming payroll in preparation for the Trump economy.
Billionaires need to be taxed out of existance.
This dude is a hero.
We need to be spreading the words "jury nullification" through out social media.
Where's the gofundme?
Despite the best economy in the world AND Netanyahu backing Trump.
The stupidity is off the charts.
Because Americans are some of the stupidest people in the world.
Yes. When you elect a convicted criminal fascist with no guard rails or restraints, this will be the end of the United States as we know it.
Fascism has come.
Once you are under dictatorship, you can't vote to hold anyone accountable. Vote for Trump and you won't have a say in what happens to Gaza. Or anything else.
Capitalists only ever care about next quarter.